When the followers of monotheism began to falsify history, they did not do things by halves. They left no centuries in peace. From the reduction of a history of the pharaohs and their cosmology, even thought this is the source of the monotheistic religions; from their unique god, to the creation of two Phoenician and Arab people, to no longer let the descendants of the Atlantean peoples, who are the Berbers, breathe. The Christians, in their Trinitarian and Unitarian (islam) variants, destroyed the libraries of Alexandria, Carthage and for centuries searched every house in North Africa to destroy any book that would reveal their plagiarism on the tragedy of the pharaohs. But in vain, the stones are there to bear witness to the past.
The rock engraving which represents the sun, and which has been the subject of a lively controversy between the Amazighs and the Moroccan government about an attempted destruction by certain Muslim activists, is believed to be the origin of the real name of the Morocco.
This Moroccan name derives from the word Marrakech, the name by which the western country of Tamazgha or Mauritania Tangitana was named in antiquity, far from the Arabic meaning of “Almagrib”. And according to the official version of some historians of Arab-Muslim Moroccan origin, the etymological origin of the word “Marrakech” would be the place where bandits would attack travelers, when in fact it in the Amazigh language meant”tamurt n Yakush” , which is “land of God.” Why?
The explanation could be found in this drawing of the solar disk of Yagur, 20 km from the top of Tubkal in the region of Marrakech. Before the appearance of monotheistic religions, man believed in animist religions, in natural objects animated by a spirit and that they were the source of both happiness and evil. So they took the mountains for gods. For example, the god Atlas who gave his name to the three mountain ranges of Morocco (High, Middle and Anti Atlas). However, the natural object that man revered most was, without a doubt, the sun; the source of light and life. The latter was always represented by concentric circles in rock carvings discovered everywhere, in Ireland, in parts of Latin America and, of course, in Tamazgha (North Africa), more frequently in the Canary Islands. This solar disk of Yagur is certainly dedicated to the god of the Atlantean pharaohs “Râ”, which materializes in the sun and is represented in Egyptian writing by a circle with a point in the middle, which in this case also is the letter “S” in tifinagh!
Thus, Morocco, Marrakech or Tamurt n Yakuch would mean the place where the Sun God would rest at sunset, and not the place of the bandits who advance the counterfeiters of the official history!
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