The multiplication these last days of « errors » of constituted bodies of the algerian colonial state in Kabylia expect a provocation orchestrated from the top of the government. (a young girl shouted on August 7th, 2015 in Issers by a gendarme for a supposedly refusal to marry him, the day before yesterday, on August 25th, 2015, two young men were carbonized in their car not far from Makouda after they were made targets by soldiers lied in ambush who, in order to kill them, threw three grenades inside their vehicle.
Today it’s a shopkeeper refusing to be fleeced by a policeman who was killed by this last…). If it were the Israeli army who had committed such crime, political parties and the algerian medias, all mixed tendencies, would put it to good use during months and would organize endless street demonstrations.
These false errors which reveal a true conspiracy antikabyle, would have at least two objectives: 1) Legitimate in a near future a large scale suppression in the kabyle separatist circles. 2) Create an enduring diversion through confusions in Kabylia in order to solve insolvable succession problems to the dying president.
The president of the Anavad shows his solidarity with the victims’ families and vehemently condemns these « errors » which would but acts of planned provocation. He warns the colonial mafia on the consequences that this kind of scheme could generate and of which it would be held responsible.
He alerts the international opinion on a genocide that the algerian state prepares to commit against the kabyle people. Consequently, the Secretary General of the UN is interpellated in order to record the seriousness of the situation and act. Face to these criminal schemes which expect a destabilization of Kabylia in long term, the president of the Anavad convenes a Ministers council in order to take the measures that the situation imposes. He reminds that only a Kabyle sovereign state is able to ensure security and stability both for Kabylia and for its Mediterranean and north-African environment.
on August 27th, 2015 Mr. Ferhat Mehenni President of the Provisional Government of Kabylia
Translated into English by Muhend Arezqi
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