

Legislative elections have just taken place in the United Kingdom.
In the polls, the people of Scotland voted democratically in favor of a second self-determination referendum by giving a majority to the Scottish National Party and its head, the Scottish Government Chief, Mrs Nicola Sturgeon.

On behalf of the KABYL people who are fighting peacefully for the self-determination of Kabylia, on behalf of MAK and Anavad, we salute the victory of the Scottish Independence Party and offer our congratulations to the SNP and its President.
The chairman of MAK and the Provisional Government Kabyle in exile (Anavad) calls on the British Prime Minister, Mr Boris Johnson, as a gentleman, to accede to the referendum aspiration of the Scottish people.

Signed: Aksel Ameẓyan
Spokesman for the Presidency of Anavad and Kabyle Minister in charge of International Relations
The 10-05-2021

SIWEL 101624 MAY 21

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