
A false note

An image, A novel!
By Massy Allas

I do not know who is the author of this photo at Raconte-Art festival in Sahel village, (Kabylia), but I allow myself to relay it for all the beauty, the authenticity, the splendor, the magic, the landscape, pride, dignity, life, genius, continuity … masterfully embodied by all these beautiful Kabyles women. As our friend Tasedda Taqvaylit says: “It’s simple: either you teach your children to love their kabylity and their identity, or someone else will teach them to hate them, to lower them to the lowest rank level: it’s up to you! Fadma at mensur, in her book “Histoire de ma vie”, she said: “I have always remained the eternal exile, the one who never felt at home anywhere. Today, more than ever, I aspire to finally be at home, in my village, among those who have the same language, the same mentality, the same superstitious and candid soul, hungry for freedom, independence, the soul of Jugurtha.”

Alas, the sword of Damoclès seems to hang on the Kabyle people.

Way back in this marvelous picture where Kabylity shines in all its brilliance and all its colors, as if to remind us of a reality that will have to be taken care of urgently, we see a veil like the sword of Damocles hanging on above all, or like a miserable false note in the middle of a Mozart’s a masterful symphony

1 Comment

  • Well I did photoshop the picture and remove that koreishite woman! In fact this is becoming a rule now. On TV and everywhere else there is always that fricking false note

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