There is a hill in Kabylia that bears the name of Thor. A place to which the Kabyle make pilgrimages without knowing exactly what it is.
After having Islamized it, by claiming that it was a place dedicated to a Muslim saint, there was an attempt to Arabize it by changing the name to Dheur.
A crime committed by Kabyle converts to Islam.
I can’t say exactly why this hill is named after a Norse god, but I’m sure it has nothing to do with Islam.
In Islam, the worship of any divinity other than Allah and his prophet is prohibited.
The best thing, when you don’t know, is not to tinker with the story.
Future generations will find material there for study.
Already today, some courageous and upright people, specialists in the history of the first civilizations, are revealing to us some convincing elements about the past of our region, North Africa.
We are in the 21st century, the century of nanotechnology and space travel.
But, when it comes to the knowledge of ethnography, history, and philology, we are still in the grip of the superstitious criminals of the Middle Ages and the so-called “Enlightenment” era.
It is the ramblings of these criminals, monotheists, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, who burned the libraries of Alexandria and Carthage, which, today, are erected in absolute truth in the memory of humanity.
The so-called educated Kabyle people know the German ethnologist Leo Frobenius for his collection of “Kabyle tales“, in six volumes.
A gigantic effort to save the memory of the Kabyle people, that the Kabyle themselves do not have the will, the curiosity or lack of self-confidence, the courage to do so because they are subject to the program of “ready to consume “. And yet, this “ready to eat” must have been simmered by the French.
During the French colonial period, archeology and history were the domain of the army, of the generals, and not that of specialized institutions.
The order given to the army was the destruction of the memory of the Kabyle people.
Frobenius, the German, did this work only in parallel with his real study mission which was African civilizations, which he traces back to before Greek civilization.
A study which infuriates the followers of monotheism, at their head the French, as I said above, real grasshoppers, racists, or fearing that the study of these civilizations will reveal the deception of monotheistic religions, which have pumped everything from the religion of the Pharaohs.
Frobenius said about African civilization this: “I then hypothesized that this fable was not just a fable. I affirmed that it must be possible to conceive and put it all together as being the memory of ‘a culture anterior to that of Greece and during which one practiced navigation and propagated the civilization, not only in the basin of the Mediterranean but also outside. I affirmed then that this Atlantis was in the memories of the people the last survival of a civilization that appeared before the time of the Greeks in an area on the west coast of Africa. “
Atlantis, an island that forgers pass for a myth without any argument, just by the effect of the repetition of the negation.
However, those who have not been fooled by the Vatican and its Franco-English saints have understood that the religion of the Pharaohs tells of a truly lived tragedy that began on the island of Amentet, located on the Atlantic.
The Pharaohs tell us, roughly speaking, that on this vast island, a king, Geb, was going to marry a princess, Nout, originally from Tifnout, deified name of a region in the religion of the Pharaohs and being in the present day in Morocco.
This name Tifnout still exists today in Morocco, but at the time, this name referred to the top of a mountain where a lion roared, Adrar n ’dren in Amazigh.
Hence his representation of the Goddess Tefnut, with a lion’s head.
This mountain was the Atlas for the Greeks.
During the engagement period, Nout is impregnated by the God Ra.
And from this relationship with the Sun God, she had her first child, and heir to the throne, Osiris.
Followers of monotheism will easily recognize the myth of Jesus in Osiris.
The second child resulting from the union between Nut and Geb, Seth (Typhoon for the Greeks, Satan in monotheism), did not hear it that way and saw in his brother-king an illegitimate child and usurper of the throne.
He led revolts against him.
It was during these revolts that a cataclysm occurred on this island. A simultaneous tidal wave and volcanic eruption engulfed the island.
Text of the pyramids “It came flames out of the island on the day of the great flood.”
The same texts about these terrible flames as we have seen on the pyramids, we refind with the Norse volcano God Surtr who destroys the ten worlds in the Ragnarok: The sun will darken, The earth will sink into the sea, The resplendent stars will disappear from the sky. The smoke will swirl, The fire will roar, The high flames will dance to the sky.”
The Egyptian survivors tell us about their stranding on the coasts of Tefnout, present-day Morocco.
They tell of the painful crossing of the Touat (deformed by counterfeiters into Douat), a region of North Africa that stretches from Morocco to the Nile.
Crossing the Touat region is what the monotheists describe as purgatory.
Everything in monotheism originates from this tragedy.
The history of the Pharaohs is originally very simple for those who are familiar with North Africa and the traditions of certain Berber peoples.
It is the space-time, the additions of the scribes and the forgers of modern times which made it incomprehensible.
In the same way as the religion of the pharaohs, the religion of the Nordics, Ragnarok, tells us a real tragedy.
The Vikings, in their end-of-the-world belief, tell us the same tragedy as the Pharaohs through the serpent Midgardsormen and his brother the wolf Fenris, two god-killing monsters.
The serpent around the island symbolizes the wrath of the sea, and the wolf freed from his cave symbolizes the treachery by those close to Odin who is at the origin of his murder.
This is exactly what happened in the tale of survivors who were stranded on the shores of North Africa and Spain.
Egyptian image which shows the naval combat against the serpent Apep which here also symbolizes the ocean
King Osiris had been betrayed by his corrupt guards who freed Seth from his prison, who then kills the king.
The volcanic eruption of the religion of the pharaohs is also found in the Ragnarok with the volcano god Surtr, who destroys the ten worlds, who in Amentet represented the ten nations whose to avoid making jealousy Geb did not want to marry by marrying a woman born one of them.
Another fact also which underlines the similarity between the history of the Pharaohs and that of the Vikings, is that the son of Osiris, Horus the avenger of his father, who sends Seth into the world upside down (death), and among the Vikings, it is Vidar, Odin’s son, who kills the giant wolf Fenris who kills his father.
This last fact alone is enough to remove all doubts about the Atlantean origin of the two religions.
I translated an extract from a study made by a Chilean anthropologist, Oscar Fonck Sieveking, who explains in his thesis, in Spanish, on the settlement of Easter Island, the relationship between North Africans and the Vikings in antiquity. As a reminder, the Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl made the same observation in his studies on the settlement of Polynesia and Mexico.
See the article on my site “Thor Heyerdahl, Kabylia, the Guanches and the Aztecs“.
Here is the translation of the extract (screen cut afterward).
“The dolmen and the menhir, megalithic constructions of Northern Europe (Germany, France, Spain, like the British Isles) which were used as tombs, would be of Celtic origin.
What is interesting is that the syllable “men”, which is repeated in both types of ancient monuments, finds its counterpart in the Polynesian word “menema”, which means cemetery or tomb.
With this, we would have found a kinship between the Nordic Celts and the Berbers of North Africa, ancestors of the Polynesians.
This further strengthens the theory that the Berbers and the Vikings are of the same ethnicity and that they lived together in antiquity, only to go their separate ways later.
If in fact, the Vikings left fulcrums in the outline of the Mediterranean Sea, in order to dominate, these colonists undoubtedly had contacts with other peoples, already mentioned in this chapter, influencing them and being influenced by them. This would explain many puzzles linked to Nordic and Mediterranean ethnic groups.”
This extract is neither from me nor from any Kabyle, nor from any Norwegian. This is research done by a Chilean anthropologist whose book was studied at the university in his country.
Far from the influence of the jailers of history.
I will not stretch the article further than necessary, I am going to see the opinion of one of the most eminent Greek philosophers, Plato.
In his reflection on the ideal republic, he explains to us in Critias, as if he wanted to leave as a legacy, a precious treasure of history for future generations, what another philosopher, Solon, told him. Here is what he leaves us that the jailers of the story claim that Plato had smoked a joint too many.
An Egyptian high priest tells the story of their antiquity to the Greek sage Solon who himself relates it to Plato.
The latter has no doubts about the authenticity and value of this story.
“These books teach us what a powerful army Athens destroyed, an army which, coming across the Atlantic Sea, insolently invaded Europe and Asia; for this sea was then navigable, and there was in front of the strait, that you call it the Pillars of Hercules, an island larger than Libya and Asia.
From this island, one could easily pass to the other islands, and from these to the whole continent which borders all around the interior; for what is on this side of the strait of which we speak, resembles a port having a narrow entrance: but this is a true sea, and the land which surrounds it, a true continent. On this island Atlantis reigned kings of great and marvelous power; they had under their domination the whole island, as well as several other islands and parts of the mainland.
In addition, on this side of the strait, they still reigned over Libya as far as Egypt, and over Europe as far as Tyrrhenia.
All this power comes together one day to enslave, in one fell swoop, our country, yours, and all the peoples on this side of the strait.
It was then that the virtue and courage of Athens came to light. This city had obtained, by its value and its superiority in the military art, the command of all the Hellenes.
But, these having been forced to abandon it, it alone braved the greatest dangers, stopped the invasion, erected trophies, preserved from slavery the peoples still free and restored to full independence all those who, like we remain below the Pillars of Hercules. In the aftermath of great earthquakes and floods swallowed up, in one day and in one fatal night, all that there was in your warriors; Atlantis Island disappeared under the sea; also, since that time, has the sea become inaccessible and has it ceased to be navigable by the quantity of silt that the damaged island has left in its place? “
Here is a pearl of history, our history, of which the religions of the Pharaohs and Vikings only confirm the veracity, without any possible ambiguity.
I have cited the “mythological” sources from the north and east of submerged Eden. This article may be incomplete if I do not cite one of the rare Mayan documents that escaped the destructive madness of Christianity.
The Mayan timeline would begin with the collapse of Mu, the land of the Clay Hills, which Vatican pen mercenaries insist on located on the Pacific. The Vatican, the den of the devil, which is at the origin of the propaganda concept, is paying a fortune to pollute history.
Anyway, here’s the Codex of Troano: “In the year of 6 Kan, on the 11 Muluc, in the Month Zac, there occured terrific earthquakes which continued without interruption until the 13 Chuen. The country of the hills of mud, the Land of Mu, was sacrificed. Being twice upheaved it disappeared during the night, being continually shaken by the fires of the under the earth. Being confined these caused the land to sink and rise several times and in various places. At last the surface gave way, and then ten countries were torn asunder and scattered. They sank with their 64,000,000 of inhabitants 8,000 years before the writing of this book.”
All is said! The doubts are raised, it remains only to North Africans not to accept a single line of the official version of their history written by the counterfeiters of the Vatican
What if Thor was another name for Anzar?
History tells us that the Vikings when they retreated from war, they always left behind a community for an upcoming expedition that would supply them with food and weapons.
This community was certainly to continue its worship of their Gods even swallowed or drowned.
This brings me to Pierre Bourdieu, the famous sociologist who knew a little about the Kabyle people.
This intellectual had said that Kabylia was a veritable open-air museum of all Mediterranean civilizations.
A great way to escape the Kabyle people.
Neither seen nor known.
Kabylia was a void that conceals Mediterranean memory.
That’s all!
Honesty would have been to say, the Kabyle people are the survival of all Mediterranean civilizations.
Because if Kabylia is the scene of these civilizations, as the various ancient ruins attest, the main actor of this scene can only be the people who occupy it since the flood of Amentet Island, in the ocean Atlantic.
In fact, Bourdieu had also said something that passes for this story like an engagement ring on the finger of a virgin: History is a science of combat.
I summarize a bit.
-The Pharaohs were Atlanteans,
-Some Greeks were also Atlanteans.
But not all, since citizenship among the Greeks was on several levels.
–The Phoenicians, whom the forgers pass off as Levantines, were also Atlanteans.
-The Kabyle, the Rifans, etc., the Sardinians, the Celts, and some Iberians, are the descendants of the Atlanteans.
The Vikings were also Atlanteans.
Arabic was a way of life for nomadic tent dwellers, ethnicized/racialized by Europeans.
Here is the summary of our history
Speaking of the falsification of history, there is a German who has surely written an interesting study.
But his work is impossible to find.
The Tefnut summit in Morocco, which motivated the construction of the pyramids
It is from this summit that the soul of Osiris flew to the heaven
Die Goldinsel des Isidor von Sevilla. Ägypter der 20. Dynastie als Entdecker und Kulturbringer in Ostasien
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