
Muslims hatred towards Kabyles

The hatred felt by every Muslim is in opposition to what the media and Koranic texts say, is not directed exclusively toward Jews. Even if they have a high place in the hierarchy of hate! Hatred towards Kabyle people nearly equal to the hatred of Muslims towards the Jewish people.

This hatred is expressed from the mouth of an “intellectual” Muslim. who said confidently before an audience acquired that the Kabyle woman, the base of the Kabyle society, is inhabited by the devil, because she always made the wrong choice.

Understand by this that, the Kabyle woman is rational, disobedient to their diktats but fundamentally decent. In the 7th century the Berber queen who face the Arab and Muslim invasion. tells what was their astonishment to be fought by a woman.

“They are surprised that you are led by a woman, because they are slavers. They cover their women to better sell to them. For them the most beautiful girl is a commodity. It is important that they are not seen too closely. They envelope them, they are hidden like a stolen treasure. .It is important that it does not talk, nobody listens to her story. A free woman scandalize them. Therefore, for them, I am the devil. They cannot understand, they are blinded by their religion. “

These are the words of the Berber queen Dihya said in the 7th century. With this word is that it will respond to the “intellectual” Muslim, in 2016.

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