Dr Mairead Tagg
GLASGOW (Siwel) – Kabylia was present at the meeting organized by the united nations “UN WOMEN” October 8th in Glasgow.
The meeting entitled “Toxic Trio – Domestic Abuse, Parental Substance Misuse and Parental Mental Health”, recorded strong participation of women’s Association comming from several countries, including Kabylia, which was represented by “Amendil Awragh”.
Dr Mairead Tagg, a friend of the Kabyle people, hosted a conference on behalf of the organization “Amendil Awragh”.
In her speech, Dr Mairead Tagg spoke about the situation of the Kabyle resistant woman paying tribute to several women who have marked the history of Kabylia, like the singer Lila Amara, the schoolgirl Katya Bengana all both murdered by Islamic terrorists, Mrs Abba teacher murdered by the Algerian gendarmes and Ms Zahia, housewife, killed by the Algerian army.
In her presentation, the speaker emphasized the need of a State for Kabylia because the Kabyle woman can be protected by a democratic and secular Kabyle state, based on gender equality .
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