Sarazins – the kabylian voice Sat, 06 Apr 2019 16:52:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 137128936 Islam is under the protection of Western powers Mon, 26 Mar 2018 09:25:49 +0000  Period painting showing the Berber king of Marrakech besieged by the Spanish Jews and Arian “Christians”.

I am free to express myself after a month of arrest imposed by face book for denouncing in comments a year ago a new form of terrorism practiced by Muslim activists, the stabbing of innocent bystanders .
Any reference to Islam, the crimes committed by its adherents and its founding texts, is seen by the West as a threat to the welfare of Western citizens. A universe that amputates the key value of vaulting its progress on the rest of humanity, they say: Freedom of speech!
It is clear that Islam is under the protection of Europe today and we can trace this protection to the very foundation of this religion, which carries the germ of the violence of the barbarian goths of the east and the west, vandals and francs.
Islam is a European affair first and foremost. It is the only ones to take advantage of this religion that they imposed on the rest of the humanity, first by the violence of the canons, then by the imposition of a single quran by the printing press, originally invented by the Chinese, that they turned into a bomb against humanity and then by the media hype on a pseudo Arab-Muslim civilization to trick the poor victims of this machination to have soothing dreams.

They lied to us and continued to deceive us with our consent.They erased the whole history of the centuries and made us believe that a  superman arab was fanatising by a prophet, who did not exist yet, riding a flying horse and annihilating all resistance on his way to impose a god whose name does not exist, and was yet to be spoken about. But who in good spirits could ever imagine the existence of a horse in the Arabian desert, an animal that needs several tens of liters of water a day. Who could honestly believe that the small water points of this region concealed cities that were supercitys which were as important as Paris or London, two cities of which we find a rich history, dating from centuries before the time of supposed Mohamed.

It was Napoleon who said that history is a series of lies on which we agreed. He knew what he was saying, the guy!
Here is a piece of history that they have hidden about centuries ago whose history has been erased and replaced by fantasy stories that have given birth to Islam.

At the time of the birth of the supposed Mohammed, the sixth century, the religious conflicts were numerous in all the Mediterranean rim, two Christian sects (Not to mention the Jews blowing on the embers between the two), the Trinitarians and the Unitarians. The advantage was on the side of the Unitarian Arianists.
Apart from the Byzantine state, which was a trentary Catholic Orthodox, it would seem that the majority was Unitarian around the mediterranean counties, South, North, East and West.
The Germanic tribes,  the Goths (East and West), with their states in Ravenna and Spain were Unitarian, like the Langobardes and the Vandals in North Africa. The Franks were Arianists too.
The region of Damascus and Jerusalem was only “officially” a part of the Byzantine empire. The real power was already in the hands of the Unitarians, the Judaeo-Arameo-Christians were in the Unitarian majority of a long tradition.
Egypt, the base of Arianus, founder of the Arianism doctrine, as well as North Africa, were also predominantly Unitarian.
Even later, in the 7th century after the death of the supposed Mohamed, things are not clear. The first Umayyad caliphs, do not seem to have been “Muslims”. Some archaeological data confirms the Unitarianism of the time:
– The Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem does not have a qibla. Unitarians in Jerusalem did not need a qibla. In addition, the mosaics at Al-Aqsa are interpretable as pure Arianism, especially if we consider that the language spoken and written in Jerusalem was not Arabic, a language that did not exist yet, but Arameen .
– The old mosque in Kairouan and the great mosque in Cordoba have a qibla ….. in the direction of Jerusalem and not towards Mecca! A city that contains no trace of life of that time.


There were two big lies on which millions of others were built.

The first is that of the false birth of Islam in Arabia. The second is the perception of the “Arab / Sarazins” by the Catholic Church and the role they wanted to give them. The term “Arabic” only first appeared when modern Europe was interested in the Ottoman Empire, at least officially.

A few bands of nomadic villains scattered in a huge desert does not make a people capable of suddenly creating a religion and imposing it by force on nations, which were more powerfull in all areas; social, military, technical, cultural, etc. whereas some were located thousands of kilometers from the Hejaz desert.

According to the official history of Islam written by Catholic and Muslim fanatics, the Sarazens were those who were cited as the conquerors who spread the Islamic faith in the 700 hundreds. A faith whose sacred book would only exist a century later.
Let’s see whom the sarazins were in the middle ages.

In his book « The Sarazins were from the area » (Les Sarazins étaient du coin), the French historian Joseph Henriet demonstrates that those whom history has named Sarazens were not Arabs. They would be, more generally, pagans, peoples who had not converted to Christianity, and assimilated to Muslims by a confusion due to the idea, formerly believed, that Islam adapted certain traits estimated prior to Christianity. Heresy was generally regarded as a superficial garment given to old beliefs; this was also the case of Arianism, which had been adopted by the Burgundians. In the heart of the Alps, according to Henriet, different heretics and pagans could live side by side, but at the end of the day, they were no stranger to the area: it was a native people, settled in places since the beginning. They are those whom we today call Ligures, whose language was no doubt close to Basque. In opposite from the Allobroges, they remained at the top of the mountains or in the depths of the valleys.

According to Henriet, the description of « Sarazins » by medieval authors refers to indigenous peoples, not Eastern invaders.

The history of Islam is a series of lies that can not be retold in one single article. For almost three centuries the religious have erased the history of the spread of Islam and have imagined a story that saves the honor of the three monotheistic sisters, Judaism, Catholicism and Islam.

The last word will be given to the historian Charles Andre Julien.
The specialist in the history of islam and North Africa, Charles Andre Julien, wrote about the islamization of berberes: “No archives, no foreign travelers’ stories, no European chronicles. To supply the punishment of epigraphs, the absence of reliable texts, we must to fall back on Arab historians very posterior to the events. And what historians!
Of their congested relations of legends and details of a picturesque suspect, where the important facts are drowned in a jumble of idle digressions, it is difficult to extract accurate and reliable information.”

–  Muhammad Sven Kalisch  professor of Islamic Religion :The prophet Muhammad never existed.
– Karl-Heinz Ohlig: The Hidden Origins Of Islam
– Patricia Crone: Meccan Trade And The Rise Of Islam
-Ignaco Olague:  Los árabes no invadieron jamás España (The Arabs never invaded Spain)
-Joseph Henriet: Nos ancêtres les Sarrasins des Alpes


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Islam: a made-up story Sun, 18 Feb 2018 18:30:36 +0000 The entire history of post-antiquity is built on a series of lies, including, among others, that of the false birth of Islam in Arabia, as well as the perception of “Arabs / Sarazins” by the Catholic Church and the role we assigned to them.
The term “Arabic” only appeared when modern Europe was interfering with the Ottoman Empire, at least officially. A few bands of nomadic villains scattered in a huge desert does not make a people capable of suddenly creating a religion and imposing it by force on nations, which were more powerfull in all areas; social, military, technical, cultural, etc. whereas some were located thousands of kilometers from the Hejaz desert.

According to the official history of Islam written by Catholic and Muslim fanatics, the Sarazens were those who were cited as the conquerors who spread the Islamic faith in the 700 hundreds. A faith whose sacred book would only exist a century later.
It seems that the Europeans took ingredients they had at home and made a great story for Islam. Let’s see whom the sarazins were in the middle ages.

In his book “The Sarazins were from the area” (Les Sarazins étaient du coin), the French historian Joseph Henriet demonstrates that those whom history has named Sarazens were not Arabs. They would be, more generally, pagans, peoples who had not converted to Christianity, and assimilated to Muslims by a confusion due to the idea, formerly believed, that Islam adapted certain traits estimated prior to Christianity. Heresy was generally regarded as a superficial garment given to old beliefs; this was also the case of Arianism, which had been adopted by the Burgundians. In the heart of the Alps, according to Henriet, different heretics and pagans could live side by side, but at the end of the day, they were no stranger to the area: it was a native people, settled in places since the beginning. They are those whom we today call Ligures, whose language was no doubt close to Basque. In opposite from the Allobroges, they remained at the top of the mountains or in the depths of the valleys.

According to Henriet, the description of “Sarazins” by medieval authors refers to indigenous peoples, not Eastern invaders.
These natives would have preserved for a long time, in the Middle Ages, their pagan cults, their way of mountainlife, and also their habits of plundering the convoys of travelers when their productions were insufficient. Christian writers, living in the cities, would therefore have claimed them to be “Sarazins”, referring both to the terror they inspired, and to their ignorance of the Christian religion.

One day, perhaps soon, thanks to the rapid progress of genetic sience, honorable scientists should be able to determine with certainty whom the Sarazins of the Alps were. In the meantime, Joseph Henriet’s hypothesis seems to be particularly convincing …

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