One of the biggest and most harmful lies in the history written by the French (the Franks), in addition to that of the history of Islam and the creation of an Arab people, is that of the so-called barbaric vandal who destroyed the Roman civilization, while simultaneously invading North Africa.
The vandals and the other Germanic tribes were not armed tribes breaking on Rome at the speed of the hatchet – far from it.
The alleged vandals and their allies were refugees, alike in misery to refugees we see today from Africa and Asia, whom Europe will somehow use to preserve the benefits of the empowered. These people are without weapons or luggage, unable to attack even the weakest armies.
These Germanic tribes were no bitter enemies of Rome. In fact the romans, they saw the possibility of saving the then-decadent Rome by using barbarians as gendarmes of the empire. They became so well integrated with the Roman empire that Rome made them the military elite of the empire. Contrary to what history says,It was in converting to Arianism that the vandals had invaded North Africa and restored or imposed this branch of Christianity on the Catholic populations of Berber.
It was from this lie that another so-called Arab invasion of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula was later built. The reason remains to be found in the rubble of these stories.
These stories of vandal and then Arab invasions must be completely rewritten, that we may understand the evolution of humanity and be ready to prevent these mistakes that once cost us dearly in the past.
The orientalist Georges Marcais, “specialist” of Islam wrote: The Islamization of North Africa raises a historical problem that we have no hope of solving … ”
But in fact. We must see how the Amazigh victims defend the fable that has multiplied by 1000000 the number of Beduins of Arabia mounted on fantastic horses attacking half of the universe. We must see how they tell in great details the fantastic rides of Okba colliding with the beautiful Kahina who had at the end betrayed her people by giving herself to an irresistible Arab. They give the impression of having solved the riddle as if they had themselves participated in the battles they describe.
If for Georges Marçais, the French whose nation has won everything with Islam, the “detail” of the problem posed by the Islamization of Numidia is good to jump over I do not understand why the amazighs turkeys stuffed with Islam do not see this problem as a major fact and will not seek to understand what really happened at the period between the 7th and the 10th century. Centuries whose history is voluntarily and systematically destroyed to be replaced by fantastic tales.
Alexandria, an ancient city which was the strong base of Christian Arian doctrine , sheltered in the 7th century a population of more than 500 000 inhabitants of which more than 200 000 warriors were ready to defeat the greatest powers of the century. The history tells us that this city was attacked and defeated by two or three malnurished and ignorant cats whom crawled out of the black hole of the Hijaz.
Source : Les chretiens en Algerie
]]>According to the official history of Islam written by Catholic and Muslim fanatics, the Sarazens were those who were cited as the conquerors who spread the Islamic faith in the 700 hundreds. A faith whose sacred book would only exist a century later.
It seems that the Europeans took ingredients they had at home and made a great story for Islam. Let’s see whom the sarazins were in the middle ages.
In his book “The Sarazins were from the area” (Les Sarazins étaient du coin), the French historian Joseph Henriet demonstrates that those whom history has named Sarazens were not Arabs. They would be, more generally, pagans, peoples who had not converted to Christianity, and assimilated to Muslims by a confusion due to the idea, formerly believed, that Islam adapted certain traits estimated prior to Christianity. Heresy was generally regarded as a superficial garment given to old beliefs; this was also the case of Arianism, which had been adopted by the Burgundians. In the heart of the Alps, according to Henriet, different heretics and pagans could live side by side, but at the end of the day, they were no stranger to the area: it was a native people, settled in places since the beginning. They are those whom we today call Ligures, whose language was no doubt close to Basque. In opposite from the Allobroges, they remained at the top of the mountains or in the depths of the valleys.
According to Henriet, the description of “Sarazins” by medieval authors refers to indigenous peoples, not Eastern invaders.
These natives would have preserved for a long time, in the Middle Ages, their pagan cults, their way of mountainlife, and also their habits of plundering the convoys of travelers when their productions were insufficient. Christian writers, living in the cities, would therefore have claimed them to be “Sarazins”, referring both to the terror they inspired, and to their ignorance of the Christian religion.
One day, perhaps soon, thanks to the rapid progress of genetic sience, honorable scientists should be able to determine with certainty whom the Sarazins of the Alps were. In the meantime, Joseph Henriet’s hypothesis seems to be particularly convincing …
]]>The Tunisian journalist Imed Dabbour is threatened with death because he is a Christian: The presenter of the cultural program “This is not forbidden” on the channel Al Watani1, declared to be a victim of anti-Christian racism following the calls of Tunisian imams and Islamists who threatened to decapitate him because he was not a Muslim.’Imed Dabbour was insulted, qualified by Muslim activists by enemy of allah and even received threats: “We will separate your head from the body”, he was promised. In reaction to these threats, the journalist said he did not want to respond to these individuals who are spreading hate. He prefers to spread love and respect and not to be reduced to those who choose violence. I am proud to present a program on the national channel of my Tunisia, my country I love so much. Nothing and nobody will change my mind, so I pretend I do not hear them, wrote Imed Dabbour on his page on facebook
]]>Banquet of Cupid and Psyche from “Metamorphoses” of Apuleius, a berber writer and berber history !
The West is built with the Berbers and should be with them. From Charlemagne to Napoleon and De Gaulle to Holland, French policy has not only been the same but genocide for Kabyle and Berbers in general. The Berbers are, culturally, historically and geographically, a people of the West to which the West has turned its back by ingratitude, ignorance, cowardice and jealousy. Today, the majority of europeans intellectuals and academics sometimes ignore our existence, not knowing that by ignoring us, they totally ignore the history of Europe, the history of Christianity and its history shortly. In their heads, the Algerian is an Arab and North Africa (Tamazgha) is an Arab Maghreb. It makes you want to vomit.
The history of North Africa, we need to tear pan by pan from the clutches of Francarabia. If we recover the history of these Christian martyrs that all believe they are French, while a large part of the European and Tamazgha history will be restored: Adrien (adrian of canterbury), Alexandre, Anastase, Arcade, Augustin, Aurele… Cassien, Célestin,Cécilienne, Cler, Commode, Constantin, Corneille, Cyprien… Damien… Émilien, Eugène… Félix, Fidèle, Flavien, Florent, Fortunat, Fulgence… Gelase, Germaine… Hermès… Janvier, Jules, Just, Justine… Laurent, Macarie, Marcel, Marcelin, Marcienne, Martial, Maxime, Miltiade. Monique… Octavien… Paulin… Saturnin, Sévère, Séverin… Tertullien, Théodore, Théodule, Thimotée, Valérien, Victor, Victorin, Vincent.,Zenon
The Caliph Omar Ibn El Khattab annexed Syria and Judea in 638. Jerusalem is regarded by Muslims as Muslim holy city based on a dream that would have made the prophet Mohammad. El Isra wa El Mi’radj is a nocturnal voyage of Muhammad from Mecca to “the farthest mosque”(masdjid el Aqsa). Mohammad would have made this journey on a winged horse with a woman head (Al Buraq). Then he would have made a “ascension”, a kind of space travel to reach Allah in the heavens.
An enigmatic aya of the Quran attests, it seems, the sanctity of Jerusalem to Muslims.
“Glory be to Him who made His servant travel by night, from the Sacred Mosque to the remote mosque of which we have blessed the surroundings, to make him see some of our signs. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing “(Quran XVII, 1)
Not only there was no mosque in Jerusalem at the time of Muhammad, but the Koran does not even mention this city (rebuilt and renamed Aelia by Emperor Ælius Adrianus).
This trip in a dream called miracle is the only reason to make Jerusalem a Muslim holy city (Al Quds). The problem is that nobody saw this miracle. No witnesses saw Mohammad in Jerusalem. Not one Jew, not a single Christian in Jerusalem has seen Mohammad pass on his winged horse.
Knowing that the rationale of a miracle is to be observed by ordinary mortals, we can say that Muslims make stories simply to grab a Judeo-Christian town. Muhammad never set foot in Jerusalem. Has not he already betrayed that city by redirecting his prayers towards Mecca?
The current problem between Israel and the Palestinians is a 1,500 years old religious problem. This is an old dispute between Jews and Muslims. We live the fallout from the events of Yathrib, Khaibar and the conquest of the Jews territories by the Caliph Omar.
What happens in Israel-Palestine is similar to what happened in Andalusia. A Reconquista. What prevents an armed international coalition against Israel is the Iberian antecedent. There is no reason why Spanish Catholics can reclaim their territories and that Jews can not do it. Despite continued propaganda against Israel, good non-Muslim souls do not flock to Palestine to fight alongside the Muslims. Even the Caliph Omar are timid. Basically, all of humanity, including Muslims, believe that Jews have every right to establish a state on that land which the Bible speaks so much about.
Non Muslims express this by saying that “Israel has the right to defend itself”.
Muslims can not express their opinion because it goes against Quranic principles of Sharia and Sunnah.
Western media make believe that the West supports the Palestinians, but in reality it does nothing to help the Palestinians to establish their state or to prevent Israel from chasing rocket launcher into every street of Gaza.
Must say that the Palestinians, supported by all Muslims, are also trying to win back the territory in which is established the new state of Jews (not a hebrew state as some may call it).
Jews are there because they are Jews and Palestinians are there because they are Muslims. The first consider legitimate to live safely in a state created on the land of their ancestors and the latter consider equally legitimately to regain territory conquered by their ancestors and to create a Muslim state.
A state which house Jews and Palestinians is not feasible.
Palestinians, because they are largely Muslim, can not coexist with the Jews, except in a Muslim state where Jews would be dhimmis governed by the pact of Omar.
Jews could live with Palestinians in Israel that would include Gaza and the West Bank to the extent that the Muslims remain eternally a minority. The country beeing a democratic state, Jews can not afford to have a majority of Muslims. Indeed, the country would soon become democratically an Islamic state.
Knowing that the Palestinians have demanded the return of all Palestinian refugees, one wonders if the fears of Israelis are unfounded.
Before the fall of the socialist bloc, the Palestinian (PFLP , PLO, DFLP) disguised their actions as progressive fighting, anti-imperialist and firmly placed on the left. This to have the support of the international left, liberation movements around the world and even hippies.
Since the late 1980s, the international left has openly allied with global Islamism. The Palestinians have no reason to “fool” the polite revolutionary. They can be discovered. Immediately Hamas is created and Fatah becomes a ghost organization. PLO, PFLP, DFLP disappear from circulation. It now plays on the table! bluffing becomes useless.
Hamas (Harakat Al Mouqawama Al Islamia) announces its colors already in its logo and then in its charter. This movement, like Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah, does not aim to free Palestinians or by the installation of a state, but to first take back to the Jews an Islamic land.
The major issue is that land that was “converted” to Islam and therefore belongs to the “Muslim world” (dar el Islam).
Jews and Christians in the area will then have a reprieve until the next pogrom. Then, all that does not swear by Allah and Mohammad are killed or banned. This is the custom in neighboring Muslim countries.
Jews may be used to, but the “falsifiers of the Bible” will bitterly regret the servile nattering they serve Hamas and other Hezbollah.’s
The “Palestinian cause” is therefore to take back to Jews all the land formerly annexed by the Muslim conquerors. If the death of Palestinian children can serve this heavenly cause, Hamas is delighted. Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad also. Maybe even Fatah and all Muslim rulers on Earth.
From Qatar, Hamas leaders shed tears of crocodiles, but their heart is joyful. Anyway, these martyrs will go to the paradise of Allah and their death means to Hamas the support of international opinion. In fact, Hamas only gets support from reporters with long teeth, looking for scoop, blood and tears.
Israelis do not care at all about international opinion. They know what their problem is. They do not hesitate to shoot. It is about their survival. According to them, if Hamas militants put women and children at risk, it is the fault of Hamas. Anyway, Palestinian youth are brainwashed and indoctrinated in the cradle and Hamas do not even need to force them to remain exposed.
The Israeli-Palestinian problem has no solution. For Israelis, it goes down to managed it. The people of Israel have accepted to be at war forever, to live in a heavily militarized country that spends huge sums for perpetual war effort. Israeli citizens are in trouble and they put up with it. It seems that the Jews are accustomed. A mess more or less, bah!
For Palestinians, no solution is acceptable if it does not comply with the wishes of the Qur’an and the winged horse. They must reign as masters in that territory as dictates their dogma. The Koran is not reformable, Palestinians find themselves in “shit”. They are condemned to fight against the Israelis. They can not negotiate a lasting peace nor accept a solution if it does not make all the territory an Islamic land, ruled by Muslims. Palestinians suffer greatly from this situation because everywhere else Muslims remained masters of the territories their ancestors conquered.
Muslims believe to win this war of attrition through the media. They are convinced that the shock images of bloodied children and women will do the job for them. Israelis are insensitive to public opinion and do not even care about the opinion of other states. Any weakness would be fatal. They knock at every skirmish.
Mediators, who claim to solve this problem in a civilized manner, know it all, but they pretend to try to do something. They organize ridiculous talks, deaf-speak and are signing agreements, roadmaps and rubbish alliances. At least they seem to put at work diplomacy and international law. They think the inhabitants of planet Earth are suckers. Believing that the Israeli-Palestinian problem anguish all mankind, many American presidents posed alongside a Palestinian leader embracing an Israeli leade.
It is like they exhibit two circus animals having achieved a feat.
Inhabitants of Planet Earth are laughing uproariously. Finally, the whole planet loses interest in the problem, even when the media make an uproar. The planet is so small that The word gets around, doesn’t it?
]]>The trend in the under-developed countries, is that each individual is defined in relation to its religion. This is accentuated by the western media, who knowingly appoint anyone from elsewhere, especially those under-developed countries by their religion: Jewish community (predominantly Sephardi), evangelical Christian community (of black Americans and African) and the Muslim community (all North African nationals, Saharan Africans, Middle-eastern and all the poor people of Asia).
Most of the individuals in these communities also defined themselves- and are taking great pride of that – by their religion. They even organize to be visible. As for atheists and other agnostics from these communities, they remain invisible and unrecognized, either by the media of the so called secular countries, nor by their community. For the latter, they are only poor misguided religious that God will put one day on the right track.Should we blame the media in developed countries to present and describe by their religion men and women of the above-mentioned communities? We can actually blame them for that, but they are not solely responsible for this, as the concerned present themselves as such.
Religious identity has thick skin. She is invited in every debate and in every public discussion, as if it was a natural fact or a birthmark. We forget that this identity is a political fact invented by the Roman Church under the “reign” of Theodosius “THE GREAT”. In his History of Ancient Rome – Arms and words – Lucien Jerphanéon wrote: “Unlike the elders of Rome, with outward rituals, the religion of Christ committed the plan of personal conscience, which was a radical novelty. It demanded of its followers, and whatever their condition or their role in civil society, an internal consent to requests for spiritual bodies representing Christ himself. No one could escape it, whether slave in charge of maintenance of stairs, prefect or ruling Emperor. One was Christian before being slave, prefect or Emperor. So the Roman emperor, like any other faithful, was in the church, not above but in the exercise of some duty. Unprecedented situation: a Trajan, Marcus Aurelius was pontifex maximus and thereby master of Roman cults. A Theodosius is no longer of any religion – he refused the pagan title – and even less of Christianity. His personal conscience was therefore now subject to the authority of Christian priests, divine custodians of the standards imposed on all the faithful. ”
So what is the Christian universal – what exactly means “catholic” (from the Greek kat’holos: for the whole world) – giving the same identity to everybody without distinction. Total Equality before the new divinity. What a joy for the slave who share the same identity as the Emperor. Christian before all, even if this does not give him back his freedom, after all, is it not the will of God to make him a slave? This does not matter, he is Christian as his masters. It is the same today in Muslim countries, the pride of being Muslim compensates oppression, injustice, humiliation that Muslims suffer from all sides, including from their emirs, dictators and tyrants brothers. In some cases, they present themselves as more Muslim than their leaders whom they accuse of disbelief and apostasy.
Developed countries, once emancipated from religious identity, tended to impose the least developed nations, a sign of distinction perhaps, a name that derives historically from the words barbarian for the Greeks and Romans and savages for former colonizers. For what is a Muslim for a modern, secular and political man, if not a replica of the Christian from the Middle Ages?
Most Muslims wear the religious label with pride, while feeling stigmatized when a non-Muslim reduced them to their religion. Unconsciously, they feel contempt, they know a Muslim mean the other to modern man, one that has other values than themselves, one that is not yet in the political and historical time, briefly the barbaric or savage. They suddenly find themselves in a very complicated situation: it is as if they were doing violence to themselves by claiming their religious identity because they do it more against non-Muslims whom they called enemies than for their spiritual well . Being religious, and since the Rome of Theodosius and the triumph of Christianity, is a political act, hence the tension, hatred and wars that result.
In the Western media, a national of a “Muslim” country is automatically stempled as Muslim. When it happens to a person coming from these countries, to claim his atheism, the same media say he is of Muslim culture. Mustapha Ourrad, editor at Charlie Hebdo, known for its anti-religious positions is defined by Edwy Plenel from Médiapart as of Muslim culture. Something he fully shares with Tariq Ramadan. It was said of the Jews too. We continues to call some scholars such Freud and Marx as Jews, while everyone knows their atheism and their dislike of religion. But the same press never presents the scientists and philosophers of “Christian culture” under the religious label, even when the latter claims it. They are just scientists and humanists.
In advanced countries as Europe and America, the Christian became a citizen, at least officially and constitutionally. However, these countries have to manage the living together between religious “sects”, Christian, Muslim or Jewish. These cultural identity withdrawal threaten civil peace at all times and worldwide. What the Roman republic endured from the “sect” in Christian antiquity tends to happen again today in the western republics, claiming the legacy of Republican Rome.
If Rome considered foreigners who flocked to it as barbaric, the current developed countries qualify new migrants as Muslims. Same stereotypes and clichés in the citizens of the host countries that Roman citizens, and same reaction among migrants that Christians of Rome. We went from the catacombs of Rome to the cellars of the major Western capitals.
European political discourse is in line with that of religious fundamentalists, they have the same definition of migrant: a Muslim. If he is not by religion, he is by culture. Inevitably, he is different. None of them, be they intellectuals, can be defined as he desired. It is the media and politicians who decide what you are. And the more you harass migrants, even the most encline to integration, they eventually join the sect. To quote the proverb: “If you make a dog of a fellow human being, he will eventually show you his teeth.”
The fanatic then occupies the public, political and identity space. He does not want to be a citizen, you can strip him of all the political, legal and social affiliations, that make modern Homo Politicus. He does not recognize them, because they are not at the level of its absolute. The fanatic becomes exacerbated expression of an identity that is both imposed, felt as denied or despised, and claimed as essentialist, the master-slave dialectic, movement of negations of the negations which follow and which are the result of a feeling of inferiority and dispossession of their own destiny. Better then taking refuge in “the other worlds,” would say Nietzsche. It is the resentment that guide therefore one we label with such belief, that mark the front of his religion, and who is willing to do anything to impose its identity to others, he leaves his identity and religious temple.
But when the fanatic get out of his temple, what is left to the outsiders meet him? When the fanatic enters the place of the profan and became the profaner? When nothing is sacred except the thirst to die and take along others who have made the mistake of not being like itself, what becomes the god to whom we dedicated a blind worship? Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing. Everything is denied in the desperate, irrational quest, with a nihilism without law, of faith pegged to the body, become explosive belt: that faith is all fire on everything. The recent events in France, but also in the 90s in Algeria calls “black decade” and again in Syria, Libya, Tunisia and elsewhere around the world, just give the fanatics a wonderful playground.
The fanatic, a modern Erostrate who burns the temple of Humans. Erostrate made himself a name on the remains of history, on the sin of his desire for fame and recognition. He reached the fame, notoriety by infamy. A name, nothing more, neither a hero nor a victim, a simple name. We will forget that name, it will disappear in the memory for centuries, but the ruins will remain, these absences, these possible broken in the heart of the living. And then we’ll move on, we will turn the page and forget that here, once, stood the majestic wonder of temples. Until one day, another possessed of God breaks into the lives of men and pours a flood of hatred and bloodshed. Nothing new under the sun. Religion is an illusion that has a future. And it remains what by which some want to define the other to give a simple and stereotypical explanation of this incomprehensible and complex world.
The same pressure occur on the people in the Southern countries. If we take the case of Algeria, the Algerian state and its Islamist allies speak more religion than anything else. Religious identity is being constitutionalized to the point that being Muslim is more important and more profitable than to be Algerian. Almost all the people see this as granted. Remains the Kabyle community, held until now far away from the sect, thanks to its history and language, lately the fortress begins to give way, because of the Trojan horse like schools, the media and the effort deployed by the Algerian state to maintain the loyalty of some Kabyles. Thus, they glide slowly in the religious abyss. This constant pressure ended up killing the hopes of struggle and promises of better life that their political leaders and artists have grown at home.
The Kabyle struggle to be recognized, but in vain. In Algeria, to consider it as the hand of foreigners, military see him as a traitor and a threat to national unity, religious see him as unbeliever good to re-islamize, the pseudo-democrats accuse him of racism and confinement; then the kindest, accuse him of lack of openness towards the other, meaning the Arab-muslim. And “the free world”, as we used to say when that word had meaning, including France, sees it as Arab-muslim. To gain recognition, the Kabyle redoubled devotion to the nation. He fell into the same trap as the migrant, to whom host countries demand more sacrifices than its own citizens. The Kabyle guilt (a Christian remain without doubt), to prove his good faith, engages in unconditional love of the country. He will, when circumstances require it, sacrifice his own life for causes that are never his. But in the end, he collects only contempt and hatred from his “brothers” of arms.
The Kabyle wishes to be recognized first as a Kabyle. He puts his Kabylity forward wherever he goes. This desire of unfulfilled recognition push him sometimes to hate even the free world, the one that he considers a goal to reach. This is where the Arab-Islamic act to sow in his heart the hatred of the West, because they remind him that Kabyle or not, they are all Muslims and Westerners think it’s all the same. Many Kabyles then turn away from their first convictions and return to their original sneaky colonizer, he also presents himself as colonized and victim and the free world. The speech is held to him by both the Algerian leftist, included many Kabyles, but also by Algerian nationalists, savvy Arabists, which in France, call the Kabyle my brother; and in Algeria the traitor. The reaction of some Kabyles is more surprising, in France, they see themselves as Arabs and Muslims, and in Algeria, as Kabyle and Amazigh (That is to say, free man)
Today, desperate to see his dream of an Algerian Algeria drifting away; driven by the advent of a conquering neo-Islamism, it comes off slowly from his dream, while refusing to give in to the green storm, he who desires to be himself … He finds himself at the crossroads of civilizations between his ideal and that of his opponents. He is running out of time and the choice available to him is crucial, to join the religious pack and disappear as Kabyle or completely emancipate from its Arab-Islamic guardianship and create its own Republic in order to not only become a Kabyle, but a Citizen of Kabylia, such as the citizens of Athens and Rome from the ancient time.
Erostrate is an Ephesian, inhabitant of Ephesus (in modern Turkey), who, to gain notoriety and fame, burned the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient Greek world. The citizens of Ephesus have vowed him to damnatio memoriae (it was forbidden to say or write his name), but history has made of him the model of nihilist, as does Jean Paul Sartre.In his novel Erostratus, published in the collection of short stories The Wall, Sartre summarizes the story in a few lines:
“- I know your guy, he said. His name is Erostratus. He wanted to be famous and he has found nothing better than burning the temple of Ephesus, one of the seven wonders of the world.
– What was the name of the architect of this temple?
– I do not remember, he confessed, I think we do not even know its name.
– Really ? And you remember the name of Erostratus? You see he had not made a bad calculation. “
Translated from marenostrumarcadia