Algerian: We must kill Ferhat Mehenni and his supporters of the MAK (movement for the self-determination of the Kabyle people) without exception.
Kabyle: But why?
Algerian: They are criminals, terrorists!
Kabyle: Ferhat Mehenni and MAK have not killed anyone yet.
Algerian: He is a traitor, they are traitors!
The Kabyle: They betrayed who?
Algerian: They betrayed Algeria and the Algerians.
The Kabyle: Algeria which is officially arab and its people that supports the Arabism of Algeria?
Algerian: We are Muslims and they are the brothers of the Jews.
The Kabyle: If they are the brothers of the Jews, it means that they have the right to protect themselves from you because you want to exterminate the Jews. Most of the Kabyles are secular, there are all religions and atheists.
Algerian: National unity is a red line.
The Kabyle: What unity are you talking about when you say that the Kabylians are Jews and that you want to kill the Jews?
Algerian: Kabylia is Algeria
Kabyle: And Algeria is Kabylia.
Algerian: How? You want to take from us all Algeria?
The Kabyle: So finally you just want to take our land of Kabylia, Arabize and the problem is settled for you.
Algerian: Why do you hate Arabs so much?
Kabyle: To the point of refusing to become Arabic?
Algerian: To the point of wanting to take the power in Algeria and to throw us out of here.
Kabyle: Who said that?
Algerian: Ferhat Mehenni and the MAK
The Kabyle: Ferhat Mehenni has never said that, precisely he wants an independent Kabylia and live each side in good neighborhood, without eternal conflict between two peoples who have two different visions of the world and life.
Algerian: So you too are MAK? You are a terrorist!
Kabyle: Oh good! and yet I am neutral, I am just trying to explain to you that everyone has the right to defend their opinions freely and peacefully, as the MAK does.
Algerian: For Allah, you’re all going to pay for this, you’re all going to die! Dirty Jews, dirty Zouaves!
Kabyle: Who’s the terrorists now?
Imaginary discussion that reflects the quality of the discussions between Kabylians and Algerians on social networks. Yes, often these debates are full of vulgarities and insults, something we have avoided out of respect for our readers.
By Arraw n Tlelli
]]>Despite these observations also made by Marcais and Andre Julien, both historian specialists of North Africa, these official historians have preferred to write about the amazing fable of the Arab presence in the Mediterranean basin rather than leaving the history book with blank pages.
]]>The Arab-Muslim racism.
They are more than 20,000 African immigrants in Algeria. They face popular hostility, live in poverty, suffer different forms of injustice. Children are particularly cruel to them.
“Kahlouch (black in Algerian dialect), moussekh (dirty), nigro (nigro), get lost!”.
He was just passing by. Behind him, a dozen boys were laughing and making fun of him. The young man stops and cheats them with the eyes. The boys stand in front of him without daring to approach and continue to sing their insults: “Nigro, Nigro” The echo of their voices as shouting insults, amuse them. They scream higher.
One of them, a little boy smiles while he throws the first stone. The young man flees and hide in an alley in the neighborhood of Bab-el-Oued. An other stone land at the place he had left.
It was three weeks ago in Alger, the capital of a country where it is difficult to accept strangers, even less to love them, especially when they are not European. The scene is a banality that no longer shocks. Nearly a routine for the Chinese and sub-Saharan people, who are becoming more and more in Algeria. “They are dirty, they are bandits who bring us diseases and problems,” claims an algerian without shame who left the country as a child more than four decades ago.
The sub-Saharan work without being paid or receiving modest sums, is attacked, offended and exploited without being able to complain. They face popular hostility, live in poverty, suffer from different forms of injustice, but always in silence. Illegal status forces them to that. To hold out, “we must show a lot of philosophy,” says Stanislas. He may be right when we know that algerians are also racist against other non-Arab communities . The Algerians do not like the Kabyles whom they suspect of being bad Muslims who will become Christians as soon as the balance of power changes. The Kabylians on their side see the Algerians as a residue of the different colonialism , French, Arab and Turkish.
The algerians feel superior to all. Everyone agrees to reject those who are not algerians and even more the black, Asian or non-Muslim faith. It’s even harder to be a Christian! “It is racism in Algeria, as in other places, but it is true that children are particularly violent with us in the streets,” said Mohamed Hadj. He is one of many Nigerian sub-Saharan who spend their days here for bartering biznes and take the pulse of the city. He seeks potential buyers to sell their carpet stock. “Unlike grown ups, even though they do not think less, children are loose, but you know, that does not prevent us from living!” He says after a long discussion about the quality of his carpets. Ignore racism is the best weapon against racism? “Racism is everywhere, but there are many other things. I personally have decided to take only the best of algerians.” The brown and pink rosary between the fingers, a sign of belonging to Islam, seems to be the Nigerian well integrated into community. His secret? Being a Muslim. This is far from being the case for most sub-Saharan immigrants who settled in the country. But they have one thing in common, that’s modesty. They, as most people, have a hard time talking about racism. To condemn it, to explain it or fight it. They are hostages of a very unpleasant situation.
Due to their illegal situation, they undergo several forms of injustice in all silence. “But in Algeria, there is worse than anti-black racism,” says Stanislas. “I’m a Christian and here thas is harder than being black.”
Religious racism in Algeria, another story, much more violent ..
]]>A panel discussion was put in place with the following participants:
– Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Social Anthropologist
– Mayssa Issa, journalist in France Media Monde Arabian from the baath party
– Khaled Yassine, artistic director, Beirut & Beyond
– Tshawe Baqwa, MADCON artist
– Cecilie Hellestveit, Moderator, International Law and Policy Institute (ILPI)
All these people obviously had a very festive moment, with a lot of laughter and a friendly atmosphere that only contributed to the common battle against evil.
Everything went successfully and according to their plan until it was time for questions. I began my intervention by asking them if they know that South Africa today does not belong to the white Europeans. The consent in this was signaled with big smiles from the panel.
I pointed out that the Arab representative spoke about Arab countries in North Africa. I remarked that there are no Arab countries in North Africa. There are Arab-ruled states and the Arab world they speak som much about is an artificial world, created by French and English colonialism. North Africa are not Arab countries. These lands belong to the Berber people. Then I asked them, among other things, how it’s like among 300 artists, no native North Africans who are colonized by the Arabs.
It was clear that my question had struck them down as a lightning strike. They were crasping blindly in the dark, trying desperately to get away from my question. Instead of Cecilie Hellestveit responding to the question I had addressed directly to her, she pretended to translate my questionnaire to the English-speaking Arab in the panel to translate what I said in Norwegian so that she spent a lot of time to avoid answering until I banned them saying “Peace is a very serious mission, it must be taken seriously!”
Then suddenly they all stood up and finished the discussion they thought would do well for their egos. They simply escaped as bandits who were taken with their hands full of loots.
It felt very good to see them jamming the tail between the legs.
Algeria, the French colonial trap that France created to be exclusively Arab and Muslim actually has several nations of Amazigh origins including Kabyle, Chawis, Mozabits, Tuaregs, Chenewians etc.
The Arabs are in the majority because they received power from France who knew that these people are Easterners, foreigners to this land, so that they will not care to cultivate and make the land fertile and rich, this territory that originally was blessed by the gods.
Today I will not invite you to listen to Kabyle music, but to listen to a great artist of the Amazigh family of the great Chawi people, a people cousin of the Kabyle people.
Rafika Hakkar is a great artist who loves her people and makes them known at every opportunity. Listen to her voice, she will enchant you.
Since the independence, we, the kabylians have been in the front line of all emancipating fights in Algeria. We have fought for human rights, the gender equality, the freedom of belief or the linguistic pluralism… the response of algerian government has always been violent with us. Yet, the worst is that we have never or hardly ever had the support and even the sympathy of other Algerians. These last have always considered us as completely different citizens. We verified this at our expense during what we call the black spring of 2001. More than 126 young kabylians were killed by the algerian armed forces. According to an official report all the victims were killed with explosive bullets, the shooters targeted the head or the rib cage, so, as per the same report the shooters aimed to fire and not to maintain order as some want to make it believed. The Algerians always disposed to support the Palestinian or any other Arab cause, showed no support for us the Kabylians.
The Kabylians, tired of the Algerian citizens apathy and mainly from the repetitive violence of algerian government, decided to take control of their destiny. In June 5th 2001 the Movement for the Autonomy of Kabylia was born and will claim status of a wide autonomy for Kabylia. After more than ten years of existence punctuated by peaceful actions in order to get the algerian government negotiates with Kabylians the terms of this project, we choose to internationalize the kabylian question. In 2010 the Provisional Government of Kabylia, led by Ferhat MEHENNI, was created in exile. In 2011the MAK convention chose to claim the self-determination of Kabylia.
My dear friends, this is, briefly, our history and our hopes. The kabylian question is, to summarize, the willingness of a people, several times millenary, to recover his freedom and his dignity.
It is important for us that the Norwegian people are interested in our sufferings. The experience showed to us that this people of peace and freedom have always helped all the world citizens who are in distress. We dare hope that the hand you hold out to us is the one which will lead us towards freedom. A good omen, it is on this May 17th, bicentenary of your constitution that I write you these few clumsy but sincere lines.
President Advisor for the MAK
Movement for the autodetermination of Kabylia
17 – 05 – 2014
It was while making a trip to North Africa, newly colonized by France, on behalf of Thomas Cook, the president of the new travel company Cook Travel that he wrote down on paper in book form his impressions, Autumn Rambles in North Africa, travel sketches from La Grande Kabylie and Tunis during 1863-4. Whatever he had the mentality of the primitive European settler, which means, racist, he had yet made the distinction between the different North African people. One of these people was the Kabyle people, whose feelings were divided between primary racism and jealousy. They had a noticeable advance in the socio-political organization of Kabylia, which he described as the wild Swiss. And he was not far from claiming the Kabyle people as being of European origin.
The district which the French, somewhat grandiloquently, call ‘ La Grande Kabylie,’ is a rugged mountainous region, lying partly in the province of Algiers, partly in that of Constantina. It may be roughly described as a quadrilateral, about eighty miles by sixty in extent, bounded on its north side by the Mediterranean; on the south by the great plain of the Medjana, so famous all through North Africa for its breed of horses ; on the west by the stream of the Isser ; and on the east by the high road from Setif to Bugia. Its limits are further defined by the position of four rather important French settlements, one at each corner : Dellys and Bugia at the north-west and north-east, Aumale and Setif at the south-west and south-east. Within these boundaries lies the coimtry which, both as regards its scenery and the character and institutions of its in- habitants, may claim to be considered the Switzerland of North Africa. The noble chain of the Djebel Djurdjura, with peaks rising more than seven thousand feet above the level of the sea, runs diagonally from the south-western angle, near Aumale, to the north-eastern, where it terminates with the Mount Grouraya and Cape Carbon, just above Bugia. North and south of this chain lie two main lines of valley ; that of the Sahel on the south, that of Sebaou on the north. These are the leading geographical features of the Great Kabylia. The rest of its area is a wild confusion of lofty mountain ridges, each with a village perched upon its extremest point, and separated from its neighbour by a deep dark ravine, whose sides are clothed with tangled thickets of evergreen oak, or luxuriant groves of fig and olive. So much for the general aspect of the country.
It is inhabited by a race that in almost every particular presents a strong contrast to the Arabs of the plains below. The Arab is lithe and slender in figure, and generally of an aquiline cast of countenance; the Kabyle is squarely .and sturdily built, rathei* broad-faced, and with a nose of the type which is described as ‘ordinaire’ on a French passport. The normal state of the Arab is that of a wanderer and a dweller in tents : he has no instinctive attachment to the soil, and when he does take to a settled life, it is as it were under protest ; contenting himself with an un- substantial and flimsy dwelling, and bestowing no more labour on the ground than is required to raise him a scanty crop of barley. The Kabyle, on the other hand, clings as tightly to his rocks as a limpet: he builds himself a comfortable, substantial house, with stone walls and a tiled roof, and changes the rough mountain side into a rich garden.
The Arab hates labour and has few manufactures ; the Kabyle is industrious, and a clever handicraftsman, especially in the working of metals. The Arab lies freely and objectlessly, and pilfers for the love of pilfering : his statement is value-less, except as a means of arriving at the truth by a kind of inductive process.
The Kabyle, as a general rule, tells the truth, and, unless you are at enmity with him, respects your property. He will make a hard bargain with you, but, once made, he will keep to it ; unlike the Arab, who, if you leave him a loophole, will wriggle out through it. With strangers there is a mixture of shyness and obsequiousness in the Arab’s behaviour, while about the Kabyle there is an unmistakable air ofindependence and self-reliance, as if he did not much care what you thought about him.
In short, there is little or nothing of the Asiatic about the Kabyle. Even his Mahomedanism is of an unoriental cast. Though he does not deny the lawfulness of polygamy, he considers that on the whole a man ought to be content with one wife, and admits the woman to be a perfectly rational being, quite fit to be entrusted with her liberty, deserving of social equality, and not born to do more than her fair share of the work of the household. His form of government is essentially democratic : the Amin, who corresponds generally to the sheikh amongthe Arabs, is elected by the universal suflfrage of his village. The Amins of all the villages of a tribe form its parliament ; and one of the number, elected by themselves, acts as the chief of the whole tribe — ^the head magistrate in peace, and commander of the forces in war. The tribes, again, bind themselves together by a * soflf,’ or league, offensive and defensive ; so that, as General Daumas says, * politically speaking, the Kabylie is a kind of savage Switzerland.’ It is to this federal organisation of the tribes that he, as well as Jules Gerard, traces the origin of the name, which in its Arabic form of K’bail signifies nothing more than * The Tribes.’
It is far more easy to say what the Kabyle is not than what he is. Whatever he may be, he certainly is not a member of the Arab family. He is, geologically speaking, the oldest formation among the many strata of which the population of North Africa is composed. He may be the descendant of some of the ancient Libyan tribes mentioned by Herodotus, or of the Massyli, Masaesyllii, and others found in occupation by the Eomans, or of the Vandals driven into the mountains by Belisarius, or the offspring of a mixture of all these ; but at any rate he dates from a period earlier than that of the invasion of Africa by the Saracens. In default of any positive evidence, it must be confessed there is a certain amount of probability on the side of the Vandalic theory. Unless the Vandals were completely exterminated, or absorbed by the Arab invaders — neither of which hypotheses is at all a likely one — they are still to be found in North Africa.
It is true the same argument holds good with respect to the Libyans, ancient Numidians, and others; but then we have the Touaregs, the Chaambi, the Beni-Mzabites, and several other Desert and Sahara tribes, quite distinct from the Arab, and much more probable representatives of the older peoples of Barbary than the Kabyles. Assuming, then, that there is somewhere the conquered remnant of a Gothic race, where are we so likely to find it as in the fastnesses of the mountains ? But, wherever, all liirough North Africa, the mountains are highest and steepest, there we do find a people with a number of characteristics, physical as well as moral, which are decidedly Gothic, and whose tradition besides generally points to a Northern origin.
The Arabs hate Kabyles just because the Arabs have a rotten mentality. I think Arabs have rotten mentality only because they are Muslims. As they have been Muslims for a long time, Islam has spread throughout their culture and has infected it until it has been de-humanized. This religion has crawled into every part of the life of each Arab in much the same way as a weed invades fertile land.
The Arab can not even sleep peacefully without the religion coming and stabbing his nose. He can not fuck (I can not think he makes love) calmly and naturally, nor eat what he wants as he wants, nor see his wife dress up as she desires or have the friends he wants, nor testify his property to whom he wants, nor put his money where he wants … etc. Most Arabs are not able to imagine their existence without Islam. They can not even see the existence of others without Islam – they ask in earnest and with anger why 5 billion people do not wish to be Muslims. When they harbour such a mentality, it should be no surprise to anyone that they meet strong criticism from most.
I say these things the way they are. All I say is verifiable. There is no insult in it, and not hatred. When you say dogs bark while they hunt cats, it’s just a fact. It is not an insult to the dogs, or hatred of dogs. It is merely a statement as to the nature of the dogs. The nature of Arabs is to be Muslim and to allow this religion to descend from heaven to take care of every detail of their earthly life. Instead of living, Muslims are busy preventing others from living and enjoying their lives. Everywhere, we can observe this.
]]>The international community and especially Western countries seem shocked and act as if they were discovering for the first time the horrors and massacres happening in Iraq.
They are offended by the barbaric behavior of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, while all Arab Muslims states practice insidiously and cunningly the same massacres on ethnic and religious minorities.
The Islamic State is doing it openly, as direct advertising. The fighters of the IS may be frank and honest enough to say that the massacres and the extermination of the Yezidi and Christians are dictated by certain tendencies of their Arab Muslim ideology. They do not kill on the sly, citing whimsical motifs such as national unit, the respect for public order, protection and security of citizens … as do other Arab Muslim states.
Saudi Arabia which gives religious legitimacy to practice the same massacres but sneakily condemned the IS through his mufti, accusing its fighters to be extremist and inhuman terrorists.
Actually Saudi Arabia does not condemn IS for its massacres but because of their promise to destroy Mecca. The monarchy is known as the main provider and financier of the medieval ideology across the world.
Wealthy oil monarchies and Islamic Arab dictatorships owe their survival to the support of their allies, the Western powers, who don’t hesitate today to shed a few crocodile tears on Christians and Yezidis.
Within fifties year, the Arab Muslim Algerian state, which has the strong support of France and other European countries led three punitive expeditions on the Kabyle people, a peaceful and defenseless people.
– In 1963, more than 400 killed for asking for a multiparty system and freedom of expression.
– In 1980, Kabylia was last ablaze because of a simple poetry in Kabyle language; hundreds of young people imprisoned, some maimed for life, and hundreds of girls raped in university dormitories.
– In 2001 more than 130 young people have been killed by exploding bullets in their backs during peaceful protests for the right to cultural identity and Kabyle language .
Currently the military security officers dress up as armed islamists to terrorize the Kabyle people in order to counter their ambitions for freedom, secularism and to existence as Amazigh Kabyle .
Most disturbing is the silence and indifference of the Arab Muslim populations and their moderate intellectuals to such barbarity but get enraged for the slightest caricature. Cruelty and the horrors suffered by the Kurds, Christians and Amazigh in these countries will not stop until the day they will have their own states.
Airstrikes conducted by the Americans on the IS’s jihadists, food and weapons sent by France and Germany could only be meaningful and useful if Western powers support the Kurdish people to dispose of himself, to free itself from the Arab Muslim domination by recognizing its own state. Otherwise the same will apply in a decade and we will see further massacres.
Kader DAHDAH adviser to the president of the Anavad