adrian of canterbury – the kabylian voice Wed, 07 Aug 2019 10:26:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 137128936 The berber Adrian of Canterbury Tue, 29 Jan 2019 19:42:41 +0000 Adrian of Canterbury (died 9 January 710) was a famous scholar and the abbot of St Augustine’s Abbey in Canterbury in the English county of Kent.
He was born and raised in North Africa, a Berber, during the supposed “Arab invasion”. Invasion of his country! So an intellectual witness of his time. He, like all other North African intellectuals, the most numerous at this time in the Mediterranean, and other Spanish, Italian or French intellectuals, did not write a single word about this event that would have overthrown the world as Nazism or communism has overthrown the 20th century. For more than two centuries no one had written or heard of a powerful army from the Orient who invaded their land in the name of an unknown god.
The historian Louis Brehier wrote: “For ten centuries, from Procopius to Phrantsés, thanks to the series of chronicles, political histories, biographies, memoirs, many preserved and most of the time excellent manuscripts we know everything about the history of Byzantium … there is only a gap between the end of the 7th century and the beginning of the 9th century, a period of Arab invasions and iconoclastic struggles “. On the same subject, the historian Saavedra also pointed out this gap concerning the supposed conquest of Spain: “From the reign of Vamba, who died in 672, until the advent of the reign of Alfonso lll Leon, in 882, more than two centuries, we do not have anything, neither from southern Arabs nor northern latins nor mozarabes.The problem arises for the entire Mediterranean basin.

Despite these observations also made by Marcais and Andre Julien, both historian specialists of North Africa, these official historians have preferred to write about the amazing fable of the Arab presence in the Mediterranean basin rather than leaving the history book with blank pages.

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Usurpation of history by France Sat, 11 Nov 2017 23:56:44 +0000

Banquet of Cupid and Psyche from “Metamorphoses” of Apuleius, a berber writer and berber history !



The West is built with the Berbers and should be with them. From Charlemagne to Napoleon and De Gaulle to Holland, French policy has not only been the same but genocide for Kabyle and Berbers in general. The Berbers are, culturally, historically and geographically, a people of the West to which the West has turned its back by ingratitude, ignorance, cowardice and jealousy. Today, the majority of europeans intellectuals and academics sometimes ignore our existence, not knowing that by ignoring us, they totally ignore the history of Europe, the history of Christianity and its history shortly. In their heads, the Algerian is an Arab and North Africa (Tamazgha) is an Arab Maghreb. It makes you want to vomit.
The history of North Africa, we need to tear pan by pan from the clutches of Francarabia. If we recover the history of these Christian martyrs that all believe they are French, while a large part of the European and Tamazgha  history will be restored: Adrien (adrian of canterbury), Alexandre, Anastase, Arcade, Augustin, Aurele… Cassien, Célestin,Cécilienne, Cler, Commode, Constantin, Corneille, Cyprien… Damien… Émilien, Eugène… Félix, Fidèle, Flavien, Florent, Fortunat, Fulgence… Gelase, Germaine… Hermès… Janvier, Jules, Just, Justine… Laurent, Macarie, Marcel, Marcelin, Marcienne, Martial, Maxime, Miltiade. Monique… Octavien… Paulin… Saturnin, Sévère, Séverin… Tertullien, Théodore, Théodule, Thimotée, Valérien, Victor, Victorin, Vincent.,Zenon

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