The pseudo Kabyles who take back the Western writings of Holocaust deniers to tell us that our ancestors did not write their history when there were among them many historians have yet understood nothing morbid game of France and its allies who in Writes the false story to their liking, which, alas, everyone takes it up without a doubt. And poutout digging just a little in the very old books because not written by the gravediggers one discovers the truth of the imaginary Arab plot. One must never trust all the writings of the West. Notably of the criminal france who invented even the Arabs and imaginary invaders as well as the Phoenicians who are in fact African nords. So how can they come from Lebanon to civilize Their great grandparents?
The story is to be rewritten by the manipulative winners. Everything is done for Amazigh Africa to be perceived as a land without people of light while it has born those who have made the light of humanity because it has Surpassed that of a French territory which also took advantage of it to turn against it. A truth the truth is on its way to deconstruct its imaginary Arab world built with the attributes of true civilizations.