Opinions – mergueze.info https://mergueze.info the kabylian voice Wed, 30 Jan 2019 18:51:19 +0000 fr-FR hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2 137128936 Kabyle woman at the forefront of the independence struggle https://mergueze.info/kabyle-woman-at-the-forefront-of-the-independence-struggle/ https://mergueze.info/kabyle-woman-at-the-forefront-of-the-independence-struggle/#respond Sun, 07 Apr 2019 16:27:56 +0000 https://mergueze.info/?p=15622 By Samia Sam
Kabyle women on the front line during the commemorative marches commemorating the Berber spring of April 20th.
This proves that the Kabyle woman is well respected and even protected by the men. The number of women who attend all our actions of the MAK-ANAVAD are well integrated in our movement, the number of female participants multiplies each time which proves that they are brave, and with dignity and respect they do not hide their faces, they do not flee the cameras or the photos.

They are present, showing their faces without fear and with courage. They sing and express themselves, they fight alongside men because it is the same fight for freedom and independence as our ancestors did.


https://mergueze.info/kabyle-woman-at-the-forefront-of-the-independence-struggle/feed/ 0 15622
The Path of Recognition https://mergueze.info/the-path-of-recognition/ https://mergueze.info/the-path-of-recognition/#respond Sun, 17 Mar 2019 10:58:21 +0000 https://mergueze.info/?p=15604 By Ferhat Mehenni

This truth must be recalled, even though not all political actors and observers want to acknowledge it:

Algeria is a colonial creation, viable and sustainable only by the dictatorship inscribed in its DNA.
No democracy is viable without the peoples of which it is composed and, who must exist distinctly from each other. Any denial of existence of these peoples (Kabyle, Mzab, Chawi, Chenwi, Hartan, Oran, Constantine and Tuareg …) will lead inevitably to failure. I mean no offense to all those who, on social networks, strive to state “we are neither Kabyles, Chaouis nor Touaregs … today, we are all Algerians“!
But the recognition of these peoples will have to be the basis of any eventual reconstruction – including independence for each of them, especially for those of them who wish it. There can no longer be national unity on the basis of the denial of the peoples that make up this country. The path of recognition, ultimately, is that of wisdom. Otherwise, nothing but a military-police dictatorship will be rebuilt on the ruins of the one that has just fallen. A bloodbath incited by the army, as in October 1988 with General Nezzar, would restore a semblance of order, but would not truly solve any political problem. The chaos would lead to a “libyanisation” of Algeria. This would be a lesser evil for all as opposed to the restoration of a new military regime that inevitably will always lead to new Toufik, new Bouteflika and new fluctuations like those of today and the Civil War in the 90s.

https://mergueze.info/the-path-of-recognition/feed/ 0 15604
The cultural treasures of the berberes phagocyted by the arab-muslims https://mergueze.info/the-cultural-treasures-of-the-berberes-phagocyted-by-the-arab-muslims/ https://mergueze.info/the-cultural-treasures-of-the-berberes-phagocyted-by-the-arab-muslims/#respond Wed, 20 Feb 2019 20:42:12 +0000 https://mergueze.info/?p=15574 The cry from the heart below from Romain Caesar explains the name of the domain of the Mergueze website. The site is named  ( Merguez) after a small Kabyle specialty sausage. But the Arab test-tube people with their Islam, directly out of the Vatican’s laboratory to destroy the North African peoples and their church, can not exist without phagocyting and denaturing the rich culture and identity of North Africans.

That’s what happens while they organize to us morbid distractions

Dar El Ahlam, in arabic esperanto this means “the dreamhouse”: The Arab-Islamists in power in North Africa take advantage of the Berber bickering over language and other imbecilities to promote and sell to tourists Berber art, especially architecture (major art), as an Arab and Islamic artistic treasure. The Berbers, obsessed with language and human rights, are leaving to the Arabo-Islamists: the earth, architecture, cooking, the spiritual, etc. , all that brings in money. ” Romain Caesar

https://mergueze.info/the-cultural-treasures-of-the-berberes-phagocyted-by-the-arab-muslims/feed/ 0 15574
Duty of remembrance, the atrocious death of Mrs. Aicha Djellid https://mergueze.info/duty-of-remembrance-the-atrocious-death-of-mrs-aicha-djellid/ https://mergueze.info/duty-of-remembrance-the-atrocious-death-of-mrs-aicha-djellid/#respond Sat, 16 Feb 2019 18:22:02 +0000 https://mergueze.info/?p=15562 Mrs. Aisha Djellid was slaughtered in front of her three daughters, one of whom testifies: “Mom begged the killers (muslim activists) to not slit her throat in front of us. We kissed their feet in hopes of saving her. Before they cut her throat, she cried, one last time: Remove my daughters! Do not do this in front of them! Suddenly the blood spurted on all sides. The atrocious man stared us down one last time before letting the stiff body fall like a stone. He cut off the head of my mother, attached to her body at this point but by a thin slice of flesh… Then, they threw my mother’s head in a garbage bin. I picked her up, kissed her, and went back home. Like my little sister, I was convinced that my mother would return to life once her head was put back in place. We spoke to her all night to restore her, but to no avail.”
We have a duty to remind people of these gruesome murders, not just once a year, but every single day.
Source : Ajouad Algerie Memoires

https://mergueze.info/duty-of-remembrance-the-atrocious-death-of-mrs-aicha-djellid/feed/ 0 15562
Towards the break-up of the borders resulting from European colonization https://mergueze.info/towards-the-break-up-of-the-borders-resulting-from-european-colonization/ https://mergueze.info/towards-the-break-up-of-the-borders-resulting-from-european-colonization/#respond Sun, 10 Feb 2019 20:51:03 +0000 https://mergueze.info/?p=15554 Ferhat Mehenni: The Age of Identity
Towards the break-up of the borders resulting from European colonization
by Yidir

At the end of 2010, the book “Le siècle identitaire –  the end of the post-colonial states” was published by Michalon (Paris). Its author, Ferhat Mehenni , presents his views on the question of the state born in the ashes of European colonization . For him, all the states born of the so-called “decolonization” movement (which saw the European nations renounce their sovereignty over most of the African and Asian territories) share the same characteristics. Regardless of the nationality of its former colonizer (British, French, Portuguese, Dutch …) and its geographical and anthropological situation (Mediterranean, sub-Saharan, Asian …), there is a generic template applicable to any State born of the process of decolonization of the second half of the twentieth century. “In all the formerly colonized countries, the schemas of oppression are superimposed. Having fun interchanging Kabylia with Kurdistan, Casamance with Baluchistan, Somaliland with Tribal Zones, Kashmir with Northern Niger, or trying to swap Algeria and Afghanistan, Congo and Cameroon, Vietnam and Kenya, Afghanistan and Libya … we realize that this does not fundamentally disrupt the data of the problem.
Ferhat Mehenni identifies three such common characteristics: The brutal nature of these states is conditioned by their colonial origin, which forces various peoples arbitrarily gathered by colonization to cohabit within the same state, which prevents the construction of proper nation-states, especially in Africa.
The genesis of the post-colonial state is, to the author, the original sin: “The evil of African countries and of formerly colonized Asia resides not in the quality of their governance, but above all in the nature of their State“. Because “after the independence of the years 1950-60, there was no creation of a new state, merely a renewal of the colonial state almost as it was.The decolonization of fifty years ago was that of the false nations” Mehenni adds. In order to illustrate his point, he reminds us that the current borders of African States were in fact drawn up in Berlin in 1885, at a conference organized by Bismarck and bringing together all the major powers at the time . The “native” populations were, of course, never consulted about the course of these boundaries.
For the author, there is no use in calling for liberalization and democratization of post-colonial states. Their historical origins condemn them to use only brutality in their relations with the populations for which they are responsible, to reproduce the behavior of the European colonial powers that created the borders of each of these states: “The only method within reach was that of brute strength, that borrowed from the colonial power which they had just succeeded. (…) It was not even an alternation, but a succession.
The fatal flaw of the post-colonial state is, for Mr. Mehenni, that their borders, crafted by foreign powers, do not take into account the anthropological realities of the populations under concern. In his opinion, there is no post-colonial state that is a genuine nation-state. On the contrary, it refers to “states without a nation” each harboring on its soil several “nations without a state” . It makes a mockery of ethnic and dialect, often used in a pejorative way against the minority peoples: “In the popular sense, an ethnic group is a sub-people, a dialect, a sub-language, as slave and sub-man “. On the contrary, Mehenni claims that “an ethnic group with its own language, territory, traditions and history, distinct from those of its environment, is a people. When its members are aware of it, it is a nation “. He also notes that these terms are still applied during identity tensions in the former European colonies (from Kenya to Côte d’Ivoire via Darfur, Kabylia or Kurdistan) but never when these same identity tensions are closer to home, in the west (nobody talks about the “interethnic conflicts” of the Basque Country, Ireland, Corsica or Quebec).
Mr. Mehenni insists on this lack of an authentic unified nation within each post-colonial state: “In a given country, as soon as there is a second language, or a second religious belief closely associated with a historical territory, there is a second people. The nation-state is the exception and not the rule throughout the world. It ends where the identity, linguistic or religious dissonance begins. The state of colonization, for wanting to be a nation-state, has decieved its people and to history. For him, the “fake national feeling” (be it Algerian, Ivorian, Congolese …) forged in the anti-colonial struggles of the years 1950-60 is artificial and paradoxically also a “European import” . In reality “it expressed more the rejection of injustice (…) than the existence of a united people” and “was not likely to found, on its own, a nation” .
What are the consequences of this decolonization that has given birth to States grouping different peoples within their borders, disregarding language or religion? For the author, they are disastrous and prevent any creation of a democratic state: In these countries, “the state naturally appears as a place of acquisition and allocation of the scarce wealth and resources of the country. Country, in favor of the region of the people who control it “. Worse still, the fact that these countries are officially recognized as states, accepted at the UN and supported by various major powers can sometimes turn into “permits to torture, to imprison” or even to “permit genocide of” minority peoples by the dictators who are at their heads. Every people who make up the mosaic of the post-colonial state dreams that one of their own will gain power and monopolize the resources of the state for its own benefit. The post-colonial state prevents, by nature, the emergence of democracy since “every people from which the ‘president’ comes is proud of his dictator” . The only way for minority peoples, removed from power, is to renounce their identity and adopt that of the majority people who control the wheels of their state. This is the odious paradox: “Instead of calling into question these states for their colonial origin, we prefer to question peoples and their legitimate political organizations carrying identity claims. »
What solutions does Mr. Mehenni forward to remedy what he thinks is the historic failure of the post-colonial state? For him, “the oppressed cultural minorities do not understand how the civilized world is so concerned about the disappearance of plant and animal species on the planet but not that of peoples! “. As a result, the oppressed peoples can only rely on themselves, once the work of conscientization has been carried out: “If a people wants to access their freedom, it is time for them to express it by democratic means. To wait for others to do it in their place, to await the Messiah, is to condemn themselves to death”. In other words, it is urgent to put an end to “the principle of the inviolability of the frontiers inherited from colonization” . This principle of the status quo at any price has been “emptied of its meaning by Eritrea, East Timor or Bangladesh” , states now recognized by the international community although having themselves seceded – for reasons of identity – from other states from European decolonization (respectively Ethiopia, Indonesia and Pakistan).
For Ferhat Mehenni, the examples of independence of Eritrea and East Timor, or more recent ones from Montenegro, Kosovo or North Ossetia (one could add to the list one in progress, South Sudan) and the creation of autonomous regions in Bolivia, Morocco (Western Sahara) and Iraq (Kurdistan) show the way forward and are the warning signs of a great upheaval to come. “The world is still changing and it’s a safe bet that the number of countries will increase, perhaps double, in 20 to 30 years. The countries of colonization, soon dislocated, will give birth to many countries with new names, some of which nowadays constitute regions “. He seems convinced that “the decolonization of fifty years ago was that of the false nations. That of true people is yet to come”. To those who would worry about an uncontrolled proliferation of the number of states, Mehenni submits a historical counter-example: “To put an end to the Thirty Years War, Europe had no less than 350 states with the Treaties of Westphalia on October 24, 1648. Or are we going to say that what was allowed in Europe at that time would be intolerable today elsewhere? ” As for those among Europeans who are alarmed at the proliferation of states too small to ensure their own subsistence, the author retorts, not without malice, that Europe “admits to it micro-states (…) Luxembourg, the Principality of Monaco or Liechtenstein (…) while at the same time refusing the creation of “normal” states, if at all possible there is a norm in this respect “. For a discussion on the question of the optimal size of a state, the author could also have referred to the 2003 book The Size of Nations in which the authors show that there is no obstacle to a good economic development for a small state, as long as it integrates harmoniously into regional and global trade (examples from Luxembourg or Singapore) .
Ferhat Mehenni does not place any trust in the UN to help bring about this “spring of nations“. In one of his chapters , he describes it as a quasi-mafia organization, headed by “godfathers” (the five states with the right of veto: the United States, China, Russia, France and Great Britain) each constituting a clientele of small post-colonial states that they use to defend their interests. In return, the great powers guarantee the durability of these states in the name of the sacrosanct “intangibility of borders“. This sometimes turns into a tragic farce when states with virtually no tangible existence, such as Somalia, still enjoy their seat in the United Nations, while others that actually exist (Kosovo, Taiwan) are not given a place in the United Nations so as not to “anger” some member states.
Ferhat Mehenni calls for the identification of the post-colonial world – a break-up of the current borders artificially created in the nineteenth century by European diplomats and officers in favor of new, smaller states whose borders more closely match the anthropological realities of affected peoples. He thinks that some transitional solutions such as autonomy or federalism may be sufficient for a long time to sustain the current states, but because of their structure, he considers that most would be unable to carry out such institutional reforms. In his view, the democratization of Africa and part of Asia will only be possible if we first resolve the question of identity that is at the root of the evils that eat away at these regions.
Mr. Mehenni’s argument is well organized, rigorous and convincing. However, we would have liked the book to go beyond the unique theme that is his. Indeed, to be complete, a reflection on the future of the post-colonial world, while it cannot ignore the problem of identity, ought also to take into account the demographic, economic and religious aspects, which do not appear in the work of Mr. Mehenni. Similarly, the examples of young states that have recently seceded from a post-colonial state and which he calls to follow the example leaves one wondering: Eritrea is one of the worst totalitarian regimes in Africa , provoked two wars with Ethiopia and financed the Somali jihadists. As for East Timor, the poorest country in Asia, it can not get out of the economic slump and political chaos. It therefore seems that, desirable as it may be, accession to sovereignty for a persecuted people is not automatically synonymous with progress for peace, prosperity and democracy, as Mr. Mehenni seems to believe. Despite this lack of multidisciplinary and critical sense, we can only recommend “Le siècle identitaire” to all those interested in the future of the world’s minorities.
Yidir Plantade
Born in Kabylie in 1951, Ferhat Mehenni is an important figure in the Amazigh cultural movement of the 1970s and 1980s, opposed to Algerian power. Deeply involved in politics, he first campaigned in the Rally for Culture and Democracy (RCD, Algerian political party founded in 1989), then founded in 2001 the Movement for the autonomy of Kabylia (MAK). In 2010 he became president of the Provisional Government Kabyle (GPK – Anavad), self-proclaimed “government” and in exile.
We will use in this text the expression “European colonization” because it is exclusively to this type of colonization that we generally refer when we evoke the notion of a “post-colonial” world. It should be remembered that other colonization phenomena have existed in history and, for some, continue today (Aryan, Arab, Bantu, Mongolian, Russian, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese settlements …)
cf. Le siècle identitaire, the end of the post-colonial states, Michalon, Paris, 2010, p. 26.
Ibid, p. 30
Ibid, p. 31
Ibid, p. 36
Ibid, cf. p. 49
Ibid, p. 75
Ibid, p. 81
Ibid, p. 81
Ibid, p. 104
Ibid, p. 108
Ibid. p. 91
Ibid. p. 97
Ibid. p. 101
Ibid. p. 65
Ibid. p. 65
Ibid. p. 113
Ibid. p. 40
Ibid. p. 78
Ibid. p.120
Ibid. p. 54
Ibid. p. 91
Ibid. p. 41
cf. Ibid. p. 125
Ibid. pp. 125-126
Ibid. p. 36
Ibid. p. 127
Ibid. p. 129
Cf. the article by the Economist The Economist on this subject
Ibid. pp. 153 to 162
Ibid, p. 89
See the subject of the article du Monde.
https://mergueze.info/towards-the-break-up-of-the-borders-resulting-from-european-colonization/feed/ 0 15554
From Gourdel to Louisa and Maren. Terrorism between diplomacy and demonization https://mergueze.info/from-gourdel-to-louisa-and-maren-terrorism-between-diplomacy-and-demonization/ https://mergueze.info/from-gourdel-to-louisa-and-maren-terrorism-between-diplomacy-and-demonization/#respond Sun, 03 Feb 2019 18:43:21 +0000 https://mergueze.info/?p=15537 From Gourdel to Louisa and Maren. Terrorism between diplomacy and demonization

Two young Scandinavian tourists were massacred in the Imlil mountain range near Marrakech, Morocco.

The international media, especially the French, have not talked about it” too much” and yet it is indeed Islamist terrorism (the very same islam terrorism who hit during the Christmas holidays in Strasbourg and who hit Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan), committed by European citizens and a from a neighboring country by the sea!

Western chancelleries do not wish to offend “their” friend the king, not to scare investors and tourists and especially to make believe that Moroccan terrorism is “Berber” and mountainous, exactly what Algeria did in the Azawad and always tries to do in Kabylie. The execution of French mountaineer Hervé Gourdel in 2014 was an example of their machiavellian actions. However, in reality, islamist terrorism in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and for ten years in France and Europe is encouraged, fomented or even funded by North African dictatorships inspired by the Arab-islamism to maintain power and squander wealth. First by the school and the media, by mosques and imams, then by infiltrations and manipulations of all kinds, as was the case with the execution of the monks of Tibhirine in 1996 in Medea in Algeria, which does not prevent European politicians from “maintaining” good relations with the bloody dictatorships of the South.

One would think that Damascus and Baghdad are closer to Paris than Algiers and Rabat. All this to the detriment of the indigenous inhabitants of North Africa and especially the civilian victims on both sides of the Mediterranean, “collateral damage” of the false diplomatic relations and of occult financial operations!

No, terrorism is not Berber, it is not Amazigh. Tamazgha, formerly Numidia, is a land of freedom, its native population is welcoming and open. It will remain so despite invaders and compromises of all kinds.
By Ahviv Mekdam

Painting by A. Khamal in tribute to Louisa and Maren.

https://mergueze.info/from-gourdel-to-louisa-and-maren-terrorism-between-diplomacy-and-demonization/feed/ 0 15537
The berber Adrian of Canterbury https://mergueze.info/the-berber-adrian-of-canterbury/ https://mergueze.info/the-berber-adrian-of-canterbury/#respond Tue, 29 Jan 2019 19:42:41 +0000 https://mergueze.info/?p=15523 Adrian of Canterbury (died 9 January 710) was a famous scholar and the abbot of St Augustine’s Abbey in Canterbury in the English county of Kent.
He was born and raised in North Africa, a Berber, during the supposed “Arab invasion”. Invasion of his country! So an intellectual witness of his time. He, like all other North African intellectuals, the most numerous at this time in the Mediterranean, and other Spanish, Italian or French intellectuals, did not write a single word about this event that would have overthrown the world as Nazism or communism has overthrown the 20th century. For more than two centuries no one had written or heard of a powerful army from the Orient who invaded their land in the name of an unknown god.
The historian Louis Brehier wrote: “For ten centuries, from Procopius to Phrantsés, thanks to the series of chronicles, political histories, biographies, memoirs, many preserved and most of the time excellent manuscripts we know everything about the history of Byzantium … there is only a gap between the end of the 7th century and the beginning of the 9th century, a period of Arab invasions and iconoclastic struggles “. On the same subject, the historian Saavedra also pointed out this gap concerning the supposed conquest of Spain: “From the reign of Vamba, who died in 672, until the advent of the reign of Alfonso lll Leon, in 882, more than two centuries, we do not have anything, neither from southern Arabs nor northern latins nor mozarabes.The problem arises for the entire Mediterranean basin. Despite these observations also made by Marcais and Andre Julien, both historian specialists of North Africa, these official historians have preferred to write about the amazing fable of the Arab presence in the Mediterranean basin rather than leaving the history book with blank pages.

https://mergueze.info/the-berber-adrian-of-canterbury/feed/ 0 15523
The arab-muslim world: a massive black hole https://mergueze.info/the-arab-muslim-world-a-massive-black-hole/ https://mergueze.info/the-arab-muslim-world-a-massive-black-hole/#respond Tue, 22 Jan 2019 17:31:23 +0000 https://mergueze.info/?p=15499 What you see in this picture is a massive black hole. Like the one detected in the galaxy Centaurus A. A black hole is basically a star so massive that it collapses under its own weight. It thus forms a cavity with a gravity that attracts towards its center any matter or energy that would pass by.

Another peculiarity of the black hole is that it can slow down the time of all that could turn around it at the speed of light.The Arab-Muslim world is exactly like a black hole. It is so massive because of its underdevelopment that it collapses under the weight of its own bullshit. It eats all the energy and matter of bodies born in its orbit, even those who are not Arabs. Nothing escapes it, like this black hole in the photo ingesting a star.

Sometimes, alien-individuals with a surplus of gray matter manage to find the energetic thrust necessary to escape the field of attraction of the Arab-Muslim world, and take the path towards other galaxies where the gray matter is valued, prized, enhanced, and not fossilized.Like the black hole, the Arab-Muslim world has the particularity of slowing down time. It can even do better: it can stop time. And even better: go back in time. For this purpose, it has a formidable black combustible energy: Islam. Since the Arab-Muslim world made its big bang, in the 50s and 60s, it is only expanding to the past.

It has recently been learned that it takes 80 inhabitants of the Arab world to read a book a year. 0.0125 Arabic reads a book a year. You know the number of gold, here is the number of lead: 0.0125.

For those like me who do not like this absolutist power of black holes, especially supermassives, I have good news: a black hole can die. It evaporates. This is called Hawking radiation. But, there is a but. It takes billions of years. So courage.

Amokrane Jug

https://mergueze.info/the-arab-muslim-world-a-massive-black-hole/feed/ 0 15499
One day I watched a television report on Saudi Arabia. https://mergueze.info/one-day-i-watched-a-television-report-on-saudi-arabia/ https://mergueze.info/one-day-i-watched-a-television-report-on-saudi-arabia/#respond Mon, 21 Jan 2019 19:54:57 +0000 https://mergueze.info/?p=15502 One day I watched a television report on Saudi Arabia. Here is what this report says:
The Arabs are bedouins who live in tents, who know nothing of civilization. Some tribes are binary in their heads … and play music only with one single string instrument. Arabia is in fact an immense sandbox in which these bands of wild bedouins play at war.
When the Westerners came to bring them the invention of the wall and the house, the bedouins were uncomfortable and wanted to recover their way of life of bedouin (life in the tents). The guy who is today a high official, when he was brought a TV he stayed 2 hours watching the screen, as the dog of my grandmother in front of her TV .
The bedouins besides not knowing the civilizations are in addition very stupid people. The guy was telling that while he was a minister, it was his mother in PARIS who told him that the Iraqi tanks were approaching their sandbox.
Also, before, it took them 6 days to release a gang of hostage takers from Mecca, while in as much time, Israel defeated 6 Arab countries and invaded 3 of them. And again, it’s the French who did all the work. And this TV channel only described the reality of this people.
To say that bedouins are as intelligent as the rich landscapes of their country is not racism, but pure description.

https://mergueze.info/one-day-i-watched-a-television-report-on-saudi-arabia/feed/ 0 15502
Regardless of size, the Islamic veil is an insult to freedom https://mergueze.info/regardless-of-size-the-islamic-veil-is-an-insult-to-freedom/ https://mergueze.info/regardless-of-size-the-islamic-veil-is-an-insult-to-freedom/#respond Mon, 07 Jan 2019 20:17:41 +0000 https://mergueze.info/?p=15473 Regardless of size , the Islamic veil is an insult to freedom. In fact, Islam is totalitarian in its nature. It wants to fully control the public space .

It is sufficient to analyze the veil. When you think for two minutes – think about the message the covered women send us! The proudly covered women dream of a world where all women are covered. Imagine what this means!

In what state would the world be? It would have been easy if all the women were covered !! This would mean that the world would be completely ruled by the islam religion, where public spaces, any place and at any time, are religion, because in this world the work would be subject to religion, art must be subject to religion, the sculpture will be subject to religion, painting will be subject to religion, opera, ballet dancer would be subject to religion, sports would be subject to religion, recreation would be subject to religion, the toys would be subject to religion, fashion would be subject to religion, movie, tv advertising would be subject to religion .Hair would be subject to religion . In short, the veil is the visible sign that religion has control over all areas of society, no area escapes religion, nothing is independent of religion.That is the message of the veiled women!

This message is total, completely uncompromising . Islam must control everything, nothing should escape it! Not even Barbie dolls and Pokemon! It’s scary, but it’s the substance of the message.

Consider a few examples to illustrate; If all women were covered, that would mean that:
-In this world, religion will control sexual relations
-In this world it is forbidden to kiss his wife on the street.
-In this world it would be forbidden to hold his wife’s hands.
-In this world, flirting with a woman in a public space is forbidden.
-In this world it is forbidden to embrace his wife publicly.
-In this world, sex education would be prohibited.
-In this world, a woman is forbidden to show her hair publicly.
-In this world, a male hairdresser does not have the right to cut the woman’s hair.
-In this world, a male doctor is not allowed to see his female patient naked.

A world where religion would control the entire entertainment.
-A world without a dance club. A world without alcohol serving.
-A world without a nightclub.
-A world without mixed-sex sports teams.
-A world without a swimming club for both sexes.
-A world where the shops will be governed by religion.
-A world without swimming on the beach.
-A world without sunbathing on the beach in summer.
-A world where women have difficulty putting earphones in their ears for music players and cell phones, as a stethoscope for female doctors.
-A world that pops for the girls is covered.
-A world where video games are censored by religion.

A world where religion would completely control art.

-A world where ancient statues are to be removed from museums and destroyed, ending with Hermes (nude), Kouros, Venus (nude), apollon (nude) .

-A world where you never see undressed statues in fountains, in parks, in the streets and in gardens. Finished with the three graces, away with the Apollo Belvedere, away with Artemis… think of a little Frogner park without Gustav Vigeland! There would be no pictures of naked women or men in museums .
-A world of great masters in painting or sculpture: Donatello, Botticelli, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Velasquez, Rembrandt, Delacroix, Ingres, Monet Manet, Rodin, Dali, Cezanne . would be hidden or destroyed.
-A world where all women are covered in advertising images.
-A world where all women are covered in all movies.
-A world where movies that do not show veiled women would be banned. A world where advertising for shampoo and hair color products does not show pictures of women .
-A world where singers are covered. A world where sport is controlled by religion. No more women in swimming, water polo, synchronized swimming, no diving event, no gym, no running, no long jump, height.
It is the message of the veiled women who want a world where religion governs everything!
Now you will say; but you exaggerate! Unfortunately not! For this world exists already! Look at Afghanistan, Algeria, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.–

https://mergueze.info/regardless-of-size-the-islamic-veil-is-an-insult-to-freedom/feed/ 0 15473