Even more surprising is the sheep docility with which the whole world of scientists in this country accepts the one and only version of the facts emanating from Latin sources, in other words foreign. It does not matter that you are called ugly pirates or “fierce barbarians” (wild barbarians). To give credit to the theses of others without searching oneself in one’s memory is to give up without hesitation and to condemn oneself to the status of “man without history”, thus deprived of a future. This is the denial of oneself, of one’s history. The capitulation to the alien soft-power, western (French – mirror larks) and oriental (Arab-jealous because they are unable to provide proof of existence of a city in their sacred desert of Hijaz before the fable islam). Must we be astonished at the frightful number of servile and enslaved minds in this country?
By Dda Stavinsky
]]>In Dante’s “The Divine Comedy”, the hero, traversing the 9th circle of hell, sees Muhammad.
There, he is not presented as a false messiah, but as an Arian Christian bishop who divided Christianity.
For a long time Islam was seen as but a schism of the Judeo-Christian world, a duality of a Judaic schism or Christian schism.
The only concern of the 9th century Catholics was the struggle of ideas against Arianism. Here the destruction of the works of Arius
Only later did it assume the form of a fully fledged religion, with the constitution of sunnah and sharia (with the help of haddiths) by the “ulemas” for Sunni Muslims and ayatollahs for shia. Historical clues may perhaps tell us the time of the mutation of Mohamadism into Islam as we know it. The grammar of Esperanto, the so-called Arabic language needed to make the sacred texts of Islam, was the work of a North African who lived in the 12th century. The terms “Islam” and “Muslim” did not appear in the European literature, that of France and Britain, until the 16th century for the “muslim” and 17th for “Islam”. Notably, these countries fought against the ” muslims” and “islam” in the Crusades, from 1095 to 1492.
Barthelemi d’Herbelot, Oriental Library, Paris, Compagnie des Librairies, 1697, p. 501 “ISLAM. Islamism that is to say, Musulmanism, or Mohammedism. This word is taken for religion, and for the country of Mahometans. “
In both the case of Sunni and Shia sects, a clergy caste of priests needed a (new) oracle who could achieve indisputable control, no matter what he should say.
In Kabylie this caste of priests are the marabouts. Another time, the priest / shaman served as intercessor with deities, spirits and all supernatural entities. They wrote and uttered unintelligible words to uninitiated humans.
With Islam our marabouts, wrote in Punic liturgical language (wrongly described as Arabic writing) and recited surah in Esperanto said Arabic language, if someone is sick they will write a surah on a piece of cloth and put it on the wound or on the forehead.
Obviously to keep their grip on the Kabyle it was necessary at all costs that they remain illiterate.The writing is therefore reserved for the initiates.
The ayatollahs are probably one of the oldest clergy in the world, Zoroastrian clergy, or muslim clergy whatever.
Photo of the mecca of the 19th century. House of the god of the Muslims before the discovery of petrol.
– The Algerian system, which can not be reduced to the person of Bouteflika, is based on the racist, sexist and assimilationist ideology of Arab-Islamism whose mode of governance is based on social repression, the spoliation of public goods and large-scale corruption.
– Since the constitution of the criminal gang that is the Oudjda clan, the military institution has never stopped setting up and maintaining at the head of the Algerian state dictators of sad memory, including the execrable Boumediene.
– Bouteflika, which everyone decries now, was installed in the Algerian presidency by the military institution through the “last fraud of the century” organized, as a reminder, by Liamine Zeroual, himself installed at the head of the State by this same institution.
– Major General Gaid Salah, whom some “political” circles are trying to portray as the savior, has no fame to draw from this “resignation”. He has only sacrificed the window now cracked system to better spare the heart of the system, that is to say, himself and his acolytes. It should be remembered that Gaid Salah was the arm who attended the 4 mandates of the dictator Bouteflika in his dirty work. He supported the fifth term until the gigantic popular mobilization forced him to sacrifice his friend and ally, Bouteflika.
– Military and politicians who have applied, legitimized, sanctioned the Bouteflikism for 20 years can not pretend to change the system, they are the system.
– And finally, this system that we all want to release, we should first identify because it does not date from access to the power of Bouteflika but from 1962, embezzlement and the spoliation of Algerian independence and the ruthless war waged by the famous Oujda clan against Kabylia. At the end of 7 years of struggle against the French army, it is only that the valiant Kabylie fight the coup d’état of the army of the borders, the dictatorship of Ben Bella who after “Our ancestors the Gauls” of French colonialism , wanted to impose on us “Our ancestors the Arabs” of Arab-Islamic ideological imperialism.The popular mobilization that has been confirmed this Friday to refuse all forms of clan alternation and demand the departure of the system is encouraging, but it is imperative to define what the system. Kabylia, which is once again at the origin of this protest movement with the protests of Kherrata and many are trying to escape the trap, must learn from its history so that any possible change is not made to its detriment. In this sensitive phase, which can not be without effect or consequence on Kabylia, all our political, cultural, associative and civic structures are bound to agree on a political, social and cultural compromise, a minimum which would guarantee the respect of political identities while preserving the interests of Kabylia; it has always struggled and paid a high price for its ideals of freedom, justice and equity, and is justified in remaining vigilant in order to best protect its interests in order to face all possible scenarios.
I appeal to all the forces of Kabylia: Let us be attentive and caring but remain vigilant and protect our children, our history, our culture and our civilization.
Kabylia, April 05, 2019
Bouaziz Ait Chebib
All my life, from my birth, I was forced to follow a religion, so-called of peace, to speak a language, so-called of paradise, to love a stranger, so-called prophet, to have a personality that is not mine, to be an mixed Arab-Muslim.
They wanted to change me, because I’m not one of them. I was an innocent little girl, a blank sheet when they taught me by trying with all their strength to convince me:” you are Algerian Arab Muslim, you have nice ancestors, Mohammed and Okba, your liberators are: Messali, Boumediene, Abdelkader, your only cause is Palestine, your enemies are Jews, Christians, atheists, all non-Muslims, all humanity”.
I am educated in a school that adapts the system of Arabization and Islamization, while forgetting its true objective which is that of science. But I was lucky, I was born in a society, Kabyle, who resists, who does not want to disappear, the one who showed me the right way, which reminds me every time my origins. Despite the 8 hours of daily uprooting in the Algerian school, my heart and soul can not and do not want to join their Arab-terrorist culture under any conditions.
We have our culture, our homeland, our traditions, our land, our true liberators, our history, our cause. We are a people, a fighting people, resistant and refusing to bend, but also an oppressed people who never tasted liberty since the funeral day that colonial France had annexed to the Algerian state it had created a few years before.
I introduce myself, I am BAYA, a KABYLE girl, a stranger in my country, a girl who experience injustice every day, a girl who sees her brothers abused, assaulted, tortured, wounded, exiled and killed without being able to react, a girl treated ignorant and racist because she defends her Kabylity. A girl without voice and without rights.
-Why is my identity card Arabic while I am not?
-Why is my real flag and anthem forbidden on my country?
-Why is my language rejected?
-Why is my Azul haram?
-Why are Matoub and my other brothers murdered?
-Why do they reject me as a I am, a Kabyle?
-Is this not a colonization?
-Aren’t my people human?
-Yes? Why do we not fulfill our rights, written in black on the UN Treaty, to govern our own language, culture, future of our children. In short, govern our own nation?
Friends and compatriots, let us be united in facing the foul!
]]>This truth must be recalled, even though not all political actors and observers want to acknowledge it:
Algeria is a colonial creation, viable and sustainable only by the dictatorship inscribed in its DNA.
No democracy is viable without the peoples of which it is composed and, who must exist distinctly from each other. Any denial of existence of these peoples (Kabyle, Mzab, Chawi, Chenwi, Hartan, Oran, Constantine and Tuareg …) will lead inevitably to failure. I mean no offense to all those who, on social networks, strive to state “we are neither Kabyles, Chaouis nor Touaregs … today, we are all Algerians“!
But the recognition of these peoples will have to be the basis of any eventual reconstruction – including independence for each of them, especially for those of them who wish it. There can no longer be national unity on the basis of the denial of the peoples that make up this country. The path of recognition, ultimately, is that of wisdom. Otherwise, nothing but a military-police dictatorship will be rebuilt on the ruins of the one that has just fallen. A bloodbath incited by the army, as in October 1988 with General Nezzar, would restore a semblance of order, but would not truly solve any political problem. The chaos would lead to a “libyanisation” of Algeria. This would be a lesser evil for all as opposed to the restoration of a new military regime that inevitably will always lead to new Toufik, new Bouteflika and new fluctuations like those of today and the Civil War in the 90s.
KABYLIE (SIWEL) – Marches and rallies are taking place throughout Kabylia on March 8, 2019, coinciding with the International Women’s Day. The Kabyles mobilize in the name of a noble cause – the independence of Kabylia.
Kabylie reaffirms its fight and the rejection of the Algerian presidential election and its totalitarian power in Kabylie. We are here today to say that there will be no vote in Kabylia, as there was none in the first term, or for the second … and it’s the same for this fifth term. What happens in Algeria is of no interest to the Kabyles.
The Kabyle people will not yield the ground to intruders. We are always here. The numerous roadblocks of Algerian law enforcement agencies installed around the city of Tizi Ouzou could not prevent freedom activists from joining the demonstration – we are there, in force. Women are here today too, as it is their day. We pay tribute on March 8th to all Kabyle women, the pillars of Kabylia. The contribution of the Kabyle woman to Kabylia is invaluable and irrefutable, said Aksel Bellabbaci, a representative of the Movement for the Self-Determination of Kabylia (MAK).
Long live free and independent Kabylia.
SIWEL 081340 MAR19 https://youtu.be/g0iwqTLUWHk
]]>That’s what happens while they organize to us morbid distractions
Dar El Ahlam, in arabic esperanto this means “the dreamhouse”: The Arab-Islamists in power in North Africa take advantage of the Berber bickering over language and other imbecilities to promote and sell to tourists Berber art, especially architecture (major art), as an Arab and Islamic artistic treasure. The Berbers, obsessed with language and human rights, are leaving to the Arabo-Islamists: the earth, architecture, cooking, the spiritual, etc. , all that brings in money. ” Romain Caesar
]]>– Valentine of Rome, a priest who suffered martyrdom in Rome in the second half of the third century and was buried on Via Flaminia.
– Valentine Terni, a bishop of Interamma (the modern Terni), who also suffered martyrdom in the second half of the third century and was also buried on Via Flaminia.
– A martyr in North Africa, as it has not been written about.
In his book “La Mia Vita”, written in Italian, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who was believed to Pope Benedict XVI, wrote: “Shouldn’t Europe today include North Africa, instead of the Nordic countries? Their addition to our intellectual and philosophical heritage of civilization and crystallization of today’s concepts defined “European roots” is a central reference: Works of Tertullian, St. Cyprian, St. Augustine, Pope Gelasius 1st, etc …