1) – The electoral process is, in absolute terms, nothing other than the exercise of the right to self-determination vis-à-vis British Europe. Thus, when one is a great nation that has its state (England is the first constitutional monarchy of the world, 1215?), their rights are respected by all partners.
2) – Separatism, through this example, is a virtue and not a vice to be condemned. It should remain including when projected by the Kabylie. The Kabylian people are respectable people just like everyone else. In spite of the hypocrite socialists which recognizes the right to independence and those who fit their vision, Kabylia does not suffer any problem of legitimacy to go to their freedom.
The Brexit teaches us that where people feels robbed of their freedom and their inalienable rights, where people feel too cramped in a country or group of countries, following the example of Britain within the EU, where people see vital interests trimmed and compromise, separatism is not only a right but also a duty. The United Kingdom comes to give us an important lesson.
3) – The United Kingdom comes in the last minute to save their skin, should at their turn, make an examination of conscience and apply to the people they dominate the rights that they themselves used vis-à-vis ‘Europe. Scots and Northern Irish have expressed their desire to stay in Europe, they must have the right to be respected for their choice.
4) – The countries who have to continue in the European Union and are crying scandale of this sovereign decision of the British people, should instead take up this same right of self-determination for both enforce the voice of Scots and Northern Irish who want to stay in Europe and, consequently, their desire to leave the UK.
5) – This right to self-determination can not be limited only to the European peoples; there is only one human race! It should be extended to people around the world who still feel dominated or colonized.
6) – Kabylia who, in countries emerging from decolonization, opens the peaceful march of authentic peoples towards their freedom, through the claim of the right to self-determination is to be taken seriously and helped so the geopolitical reconfiguration as globalization and democracy can be achieved without using this false shortcut that is violence.
]]>Islam er ikke en ideologi som man er tilhenger av eller er tvunget til å være tilhenger av. Det er en identitet som er anskaffet gradvis over livsløpet. Å forlate islam innebærer selvmord for muslimen, fordi enhver muslim er islam, er Muhammed, er Koranen, er sunnaen, er sharia … Mange muslimer omgår begrensninger forårsaket av identiteten, men de forvandler ikke og kvitter seg ikke definitivt med alt det som er belastende i Islam (dvs. 99% av denne læren-identitet). I en muslim, finnes ikke det universelle mennesket slik det blir oppfattet av filosofer, forskere og de gode tenkere. Den islamske menneskelige form inneholder kun Islam. Ingenting annet. En muslim kritiserer ikke islam eller Muhammed, eller Koranen eller Sunnah fordi det er ensbetydende med selvkritikk.
En som halter kritiserer ikke sitt vaklende ganglag. Han lever med det og godtar ikke at noen har nysgjerrige blikk. I noen land, gir de rimelige tilpasninger til muslimer slik de gir tilpasninger til psykisk utviklingshemmede for medmenneskelighet hensyn. Kun de som er anklaget for islamofobi og rasisme mot muslimer anser muslimer som likeverdige, som folk som burde gjøre en innsats for å bli kvitt islam, med den troen at de er islamsk tilhengere med sin egen vilje, i en rasjonell tenkning prosess, men feil.
Å hevde at muslimen er knyttet til Islam er en feil. Det er islam som er “festet” til dette mennesket, penetrer det, bortfører det, trekker det vekt fra sin menneskelighet, innpakker det i en kokong og hindrer ham fra å kommunisere med resten av menneskeheten, perverterer det litt etter litt for å lage et vesen udugelig til å delta fullt ut i utviklingen av menneskeheten. Ikke en gang i stand til selv å nyte det.
Med dette er islam en rase, identitet og kultur. Å kritisere islam, er å kritisere den muslimske, fordi den muslim er islam . Dette forklarer kanskje hvorfor alle internasjonale institusjoner, vestlige lands regjeringer, media og intellektuelle nøler, flykter og bestemmer seg ikke å vurdere islam som en ren ideologi. Alle disse menneskene vet at islam er et slags “operativsystem” som ligner på systemet som tar besittelse av en datamaskin, kontroller det, drifter det, gjør det levende. Uten dette systemet, er maskinen en “død” ramme, og uten maskinen er operativsystemet et ubrukelig abstrakt begrep .
Dermed har Islam felt hele menneskeheten: Muslimer er fanger for alltid og ikke-muslimer kan ikke befri dem, fordi ingen person blir befridd av sin rase, identitet og kultur. Enhvert forsøk på å gjøre det blir sett på som rasisme.
Menneskeheten har tillatt altfor lenge denne læren å trenge seg inn i sjelene til folk, feste seg til deres “naturlige kulturelle gener,” forme deres egen identitet og kollektive identitet, og til slutt ta full kontroll over deres “biologi” og til og med av deres ubevissthet. De som sammenligner Islam (ISM) , kommunismen eller nazismen vet ingenting. Ataturk mente også at islam er en enkel ideologi som folk slår seg til eller vender ryggen til så snart man forklarer fenomenet.
Islam er ikke en ideologi, men en annen måte å produsere og administrere levende vesener på, som vi har vansker å kvalifisere som mennesker i den forstand det forstås av humanistiske filosofer.
I et “Brev til en franskmann om den kommende verden”, publisert onsdag i Le Figaro, uttrykte den berømte algeriske forfatteren Boualem Sansal sin frykt for fremveksten av islamisme i Algerie og de ødeleggende konsekvensene av Jihad ikke bare i Algerie, men også i Frankrike og i hele Nord Afrika og Sahel-regionen.
“Kjære franske venn, vil jeg gjerne gi deg noen nyheter om krigen som raser i verden, her og der og som har kommet inntil ditt vindu. Jeg hørte noen ekko. Vinduene til våre naboer angår deg kanskje ikke men, likevel, når en bygning kollapser i larmen, er det hele nabolaget som er rystet”, varselet den nominerte til litteraturpris Prix Goncourt 2015.
Og legger til: “Jeg begynner med mitt land, Algerie, jeg beklager, jeg og min kjære lever der, for å fortelle dere at jeg er veldig bekymret for det landet. Da jeg reiste for å besøke deg, for to uker siden, forlot jeg det i en forferdelig tilstand, og splittet, med en lukt av smerte og død. De som styrer i navnet kun til sine egeninteresse forstår ingen ting, de gjør sin virksomhet rolig, mett og distrahert som de er, fortsatt tror på den gamle rammen, som 1984 (tittelen til mesterverket av George Orwell som inspirerte Sansal til å skrive sin siste roman ‘2084 verdens undergang), som de hadde innviet i jubel for utvinning av selvstendighet og lykken av å smake så snart frukten av oljeinntektene, mens raseriet melder seg på alle kanter. ”
I Algerie i dag. Etter å ha ødelagt en del av folket i perioden 1 990, er de barbariske hordene i ferd med å begynne på nytt. Jeg er sikker på at jeg ikke er den eneste som ser dem okkupere gatene, fylle moskeene, reise over hele landet dag og natt, gjenvinne horder , organisere nettverk, forberede slagmark, reise over grensene tungt lastet. Hvorfor skulle de gjøre det hvis ikke for å forberede den nye hellig krigen, den store jihad av endetiden? Men akkurat nå er presidenten, alias Small Brother, den største faren. Døende og gal som han er, men smartere og mer utspekulert og hevngjerrig enn noensinne, har han underminert landet slik som nazistene underminerte Paris for å blåse den opp på deres tilbaketog. Den dagen han dør vil alt eksplodere, Algerie forsvinner med ham er hans plan. Han overlater ikke landet til generaler han avskyr , eller til folket han forakter, eller til islamistene som han dømmer er for usikre i i sin tilnærming til å fortjene å etterfølge ham. I sannhet, bare folket er fortapt, offiserene har komfortable eiendommer i alle vakre hovedsteder i verden og islamistene har leirene hvor solen til Allah skinner. Fordelen med hellig krig er at den kan gjøres over alt mens skitne penger bare blir huset i skatteparadiser ”
Boualem Sansal varsler sine franske venner om konsekvensene av kaoset i Algerie i deres land og unnlater ikke å peke fingeren på de franske herskerne som han holder ansvarlig for faren de står overfor. “Jeg håper at ved mitt neste besøk til Frankrike, vil jeg ikke kunngjøre slutten av landet mitt. Vær oppmerksomme på at når dette enorme landet raser sammen, vil det trekke med seg hele Maghreb og Sahel til bunnen av avgrunnen og tsunamien som følger vil nå helt inntil den engelske kanal. Vil dere ha tid, mine venner, til å finne ly av fjellet (slik kabylene gjorde før)? Jeg forteller dere ærlig, jeg frykter for dere, dere virker så lite forberedt, om ikke ubevisste. Jeg vet ikke heller om dere innser at deres herskere med ubeskrivelig svak karakter presser dere rett i marerittet!”
Françoise Grandclaude, the partner of Hervé Gourdel (PH /DR)
The family of Hervé Gourdel traveled in the utmost discretion, last Sunday in Kabylia, where the French climber was kidnapped and murdered by Algerian Islamists.
His widow and his 16 year old son went to meditate in the Djurdjura mountains near the place where the climber was kidnapped and beheaded in September 2014 by an Algerian jihadist group affiliated with the Islamic state.
The companion of the 55 years old mountain guide had promised that she would one day visit the place where Hervé intented to climb. “We need to see the latest landscapes Hervé saw …” she said last October on France Inter radio.
Seven months later, her wish has been fulfilled, her family was able to pay their last respects to him, thanks to the discretion of the citizens of Kabylia and without informing the Algerian authorities.
The Algerian state which, since independence, has Kabylia in the line of fire, has continued in recent years to send its “terrorists” to destabilize the region, sow terror among the Kabyle population, secular and strong supporter of freedom and democracy who fight for self-determination against the Arab-Islamist government in power in Algiers.
]]>The minister of kabylian culture and language was keen on to pass the respect of the Anavad president Mr. Ferhat Mehenni on to the peoples who fight for their existence and freedom right. He’s also keen on to denounce and condemn the indifference of world that sees our cultures and our identities put to death without reacting.
«We are upset and distressed to see the world said to be free turns away from our struggle for our most fundamental rights, but seeing today all these peoples, riff, kurdish, kanak and kabylian united in order to get their rights to existence, gives us hope», concluded Gaya Izennaxen.
At the end of the concert, the kabylian minister, came with Yasmina Oubouzar, Spokeswoman of the MAK (Movement for Self-determination of Kabylia) abroad , met in the green room the singer Mourad Soumam so as to greet him and give him the president of Anavad (GPK) Mass Ferhat Mehenni’s warm regards.
the International Day of the mother tongue,
For the occasion of the International Day of the mother tongue, the Anavad (Government) reminds that the kabylian language is always concealed as a native language and that the kabylian people are deprived of it in their administrative life. That is, a language denial which hides an existence denial in the name of the colonialism and racism of those who govern Algeria.
Fortunately there’s the kabylian resistance spirit, the daily attacks of the algerian government in order to depersonalize her always fail.
The kabylian Minister of culture and language is keen on to greet all those who consciously or not activate so as to make live a language that millenaries couldn’t wipe out.
He thus pays tribute, first of all, to the kabylian woman who, through ages and time tribulations, has always managed to protect this linguistic treasure which makes the fundamental of the kabylian personality. He pays tribute to all her poets, her story tellers and her wise men who, have not stopped, since time immemorial, to pass on and reiterate the kabylian language in order to make of it a real gem expressing what we are today.
He pays tribute to the artists, to the associative movement and to all persons who worked and always work to teach and develop this language of exceptional beauty.
The kabylian Minister of culture and language greets the researchers who work, often anonymously, in order to give it the dimension and the respect to which it is entitled.
Mr. Gaya Izennaxen reminds that his ministry within the kabylian Anavad(Government), gives oneself as mission to gather financial means to support their so hard work. A team for funds collecting is in the field.
The kabylian Minister calls the international bodies, especially the UN secretary-general together with the UNESCO director to ensure that the algerian government stops his arabization policy of Kabylia.
Kabyle men before french invasion
Since time immemorial, Kabylia is the continent of protest. When it is not corrupt, the Kabyle soul can not bear injustice and indignity. This is mainly in Kabylia that Firmus fought for years against the Roman colonialism. Sold by his own, Firmus committed suicide in the year 375, to not suffer the Roman humiliation.
Other colonialism attempted thereafter to submit Kabylia. Mission impossible, the Kabyle land is rebellious for eternity. After having largely contributed to overthrow French colonialism, Kabylia was faced with another colonialism, the Algerian regime of “the independence.” Here things get complicated, a part of the Kabyle elite is involved in this desire to erase Kabyle values. Kabyle himself, Colonel Mohamed Boukharouba established a dictatorship that wanted to even arabize olive trees.
The 1980 Berber Spring Opens a resistance era to authoritarianism. The huge revolt of the extraordinary citizens’ movement in Kabylia the years 2001-2003 shows the gap that there is between Kabylia and the rest of Algeria: outside Kabylia, one prefer to walk to support Palestine, children who die in Kabylia, killed by Algerian gendarmes exploding bullets do not move anybody.
Not knowing hatred, Kabylia has continued to bear the atrocities of the Algerian regime. Not knowing hatred, Kabylia lived mourning alone tens of martyrs, in the dignity and the hope of a new era. An era of hope. But hope is hard to find in a country where all elections are rigged, where religiosity is spreading at a staggering speed, where all human values flicker, where corruption is a national sport, where there has never been a political change since “independence” of the country.
The enthusiasm with which some of Kabyle youth recently raised the Kabyle flag, here and there, comes to mean Kabylia’s fierce desire to exist outside of the Algerian dictatorship. The 35th anniversary of the Berber Spring sign a new deal in Kabylia: now many Kabyle expect nothing from the system in place. For once, they really know what they want. But more than ever, they will need vigilance facing a formidable opponent, a specialist in manipulation and violence.
But it will take the union of all Kabyle forces that can exist outside the system in place, in Kabylia or in the Kabyle diaspora, to curb the biggest stumbling block that stands before them: international geostrategy. Those who are really fighting for their Kabyle land have no hatred towards anyone; this is Taqvaylit (Kabylity), these Kabyle values consist of, among others, tolerance, secularism, social justice, democracy, generosity, solidarity, humanism and pure love.
Youcef Zirem
Translated from: http://youcefzirem.over-blog.com/2015/05/le-continent-de-la-contestation.html
]]>We solemnly ask every Kabyle of France, and elsewhere, to mark through their presence, this turning point in the history of Kabylia.
The new flag of Kabylia, which embodies the true freedom will now replace the Algerian flag, synonymous with enslavement, alienation, rootlessness and, a mirage for every Kabyle who believed in a free, democratic and pluralistic Algeria.
On this occasion, we can count on the presence of several prominent figures known for their friendship and support for the Kabylian cause.
Thus, we can already announce the presence of these Kabylian personalities:
– Idir, the famous singer of the hit “vava inouva”
– Djamila Amzal (actress)
– Djura (famous Kabyle singer)
– Tenna (the rising star of the Kabyle song)
– The presence of Dany Boon (actor, whose father is Kabyle)
– and Zinedine Zidane or one of his representatives (his brother is mentioned in particular)
– Salem Chaker (writer) who supports this historical event
– Daniel Prévost (actor)
International personalities that also support this historic event for Kabylia:
– Daniel Pipes (American journalist)
– Ivan Rioufol (French journalist writer)
– Josiane Sberro (community activist)
– Roger Kaplan (American journalist)
– Representatives of Kurdistan
Representatives of the Amazigh siblings:
– Amazigh World Congress
– Tuareg (MNLA)
– Rif (Rif independence movement)
– Yella Houha, Chaoui independence.
Many messages of support and friendship on the part of politicians will be played on the spot, including the Paul Molac, Breton deputy, messages from Amazigh siblings including Kameleddine Fekhar, president of the autonomist movement of Mzab, and even the independence movements of the Canary Islands.
The members of the Provisional Government of Kabylia, the representation of the MAK in France and several other personalities (singers, intellectuals, etc.) will also join the party to celebrate with the Kabylian people, who have waited for the arrival of their own flag.
Arrive saturday, April 18, at 14h on the Trocadero esplanade, to be a part of this memorable event in the history of Kabylia.
]]>All people have a date to their nation, which refers to its history, based on inputs of the best and most representative of its children.
Like the world’s nations, we decided that also we shall celebrate a date that will refer to the Chawi people! From that day there shall be a day of glory and in the memory of our queen Kahina (Dihya). This date, which will mark the resistance of our Queen will be celebrated 2 May (02/05) each year throughout the territory of the country Chawi.
This day is a symbol, it commemorates the inauguration of the statue bearing the likeness of the queen and it took place on May 2 in the year 2002 (02/05/2002) in the city of Baghai. This statue is important. It reaffirms in time and in the field, our history and our fight against all forms of alienation.
Yella Houha for M.A.C
The Chawi people: These people consist of five million people, who are situated north-east in Algeria. It is unforntunatly unknown to the general public that the Chawi people has granted christianity some of its greates churchfathers such as St. Augustine and Tertullian
Queen Dihya, better known under the pseudonym Kahina:
Dihya was the woman who was opposed by arms to the Muslim invasion, she was a warrior queen. She led and won battles on the territory of the country Chawi whilst fiercely opposing the Muslim invaders.
By Pr Dahmane At Ali, Physician and Teacher in Pisa University (Italy) The “kabyles numerals”to Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci (Pisa, 1170-1240).
The kabylian numerals… i often tell my italian students and colleagues that these numerals we daily use and whom you call arabic , despite their indian origins, were given the current shapes by kabylians and hence should not you call them kabylian numerals instead? they were not made in saudi arabia but in berber kabylia..they were brought to europe by fibonacci from the hammadite university of bougia in kabylia in the year of 1200.
« Quando mio padre, che era stato nominato dal suo paese pubblico notaio nelle dogane di Bugia (Kabylia) facendo gli interessi dei mercanti pisani che andavano là, ivi vi lavorava, mi mandò a chiamare mentre ero ancora un fanciullo, e tenendo d’occhio l’utilità e la futura convenienza, espresse il desiderio di farmi restare e ricevere un’istruzione alla scuola di ragioneria. Là, dove fui introdotto all’arte dei nove simboli indiani attraverso un insegnamento ragguardevole, la conoscenza dell’arte ben presto mi piacque sopra ogni altra cosa ed io ebbi modo di comprenderla… »